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1089 lines
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1089 lines
89 KiB
3 years ago
Component: ARM Compiler 5.06 update 6 (build 750) Tool: armlink [4d35ed]
Section Cross References
main.o(.text) refers to printf1.o(i.__0sprintf$1) for __2sprintf
main.o(.text) refers to oled.o(.text) for OLED_ShowString
main.o(.text) refers to fflti.o(.text) for __aeabi_i2f
main.o(.text) refers to fmul.o(.text) for __aeabi_fmul
main.o(.text) refers to fadd.o(.text) for __aeabi_fadd
main.o(.text) refers to ffixi.o(.text) for __aeabi_f2iz
main.o(.text) refers to delay.o(.text) for delay_init
main.o(.text) refers to misc.o(.text) for NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig
main.o(.text) refers to usart.o(.text) for uart_init
main.o(.text) refers to motor.o(.text) for PWM_Init
main.o(.text) refers to timer.o(.text) for TIM3_Int_Init
main.o(.text) refers to encoder.o(.text) for Encoder_Init_TIM2
main.o(.text) refers to key.o(.text) for KEY_Init
main.o(.text) refers to main.o(.bss) for userInfo
main.o(.text) refers to main.o(.data) for Bias
system_stm32f10x.o(.text) refers to system_stm32f10x.o(.data) for SystemCoreClock
led.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
led.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) for GPIO_Init
wifi.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
wifi.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) for GPIO_Init
wifi.o(.text) refers to misc.o(.text) for NVIC_Init
wifi.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) for USART_Init
wifi.o(.text) refers to strstr.o(.text) for strstr
wifi.o(.text) refers to delay.o(.text) for delay_ms
wifi.o(.text) refers to wifi.o(.bss) for Uart3_Buf
wifi.o(.text) refers to wifi.o(.data) for First_Int
adc.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
adc.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) for GPIO_Init
adc.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_adc.o(.text) for ADC_DeInit
adc.o(.text) refers to delay.o(.text) for delay_ms
timer.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd
timer.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) for TIM_TimeBaseInit
timer.o(.text) refers to misc.o(.text) for NVIC_Init
timer.o(.text) refers to encoder.o(.text) for Read_Encoder
timer.o(.text) refers to main.o(.bss) for userInfo
oled.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) for GPIO_SetBits
oled.o(.text) refers to oled.o(.constdata) for F8X16
oled.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
oled.o(.text) refers to delay.o(.text) for delay_ms
oled.o(.text) refers to oled.o(.data) for Hzk
motor.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
motor.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) for GPIO_Init
motor.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) for TIM_TimeBaseInit
encoder.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd
encoder.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) for GPIO_Init
encoder.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) for TIM_TimeBaseStructInit
key.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
key.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) for GPIO_Init
key.o(.text) refers to delay.o(.text) for delay_ms
key.o(.text) refers to key.o(.data) for key_up
delay.o(.text) refers to misc.o(.text) for SysTick_CLKSourceConfig
delay.o(.text) refers to system_stm32f10x.o(.data) for SystemCoreClock
delay.o(.text) refers to delay.o(.data) for fac_us
usart.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) for USART_GetFlagStatus
usart.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
usart.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) for GPIO_Init
usart.o(.text) refers to misc.o(.text) for NVIC_Init
usart.o(.text) refers to usart.o(.data) for USART_RX_STA
usart.o(.text) refers to usart.o(.bss) for USART_RX_BUF
startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) refers to startup_stm32f10x_md.o(STACK) for __initial_sp
startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) refers to startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) for Reset_Handler
startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) refers to stm32f10x_it.o(.text) for NMI_Handler
startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) refers to encoder.o(.text) for TIM2_IRQHandler
startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) refers to timer.o(.text) for TIM3_IRQHandler
startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) refers to usart.o(.text) for USART1_IRQHandler
startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) refers to wifi.o(.text) for USART3_IRQHandler
startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) refers to system_stm32f10x.o(.text) for SystemInit
startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) refers to entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) for __main
stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd
stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.data) for APBAHBPrescTable
stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd
stm32f10x_adc.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd
stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd
entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry10a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000D) for __rt_final_cpp
entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry11a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000F) for __rt_final_exit
entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry7b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000008) for _main_clock
entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry8b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000A) for _main_cpp_init
entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry9a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B) for _main_init
entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004) for _main_scatterload
entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000001) for _main_stk
printfb.o(i.__0fprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printfb.o(i.__0fprintf$bare) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printfb.o(i.__0printf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printfb.o(i.__0printf$bare) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printfb.o(i.__0printf$bare) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printfb.o(i.__0snprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printfb.o(i.__0snprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printfb.o(i.__0sprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printfb.o(i.__0sprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printfb.o(i.__0vfprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printfb.o(i.__0vfprintf$bare) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printfb.o(i.__0vprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printfb.o(i.__0vprintf$bare) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printfb.o(i.__0vprintf$bare) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printfb.o(i.__0vsnprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printfb.o(i.__0vsnprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printfb.o(i.__0vsprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printfb.o(i.__0vsprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printf0.o(i.__0fprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf0.o(i.__0fprintf$0) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf0.o(i.__0printf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf0.o(i.__0printf$0) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf0.o(i.__0printf$0) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printf0.o(i.__0snprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf0.o(i.__0snprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printf0.o(i.__0sprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf0.o(i.__0sprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printf0.o(i.__0vfprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf0.o(i.__0vfprintf$0) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf0.o(i.__0vprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf0.o(i.__0vprintf$0) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf0.o(i.__0vprintf$0) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printf0.o(i.__0vsnprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf0.o(i.__0vsnprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printf0.o(i.__0vsprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf0.o(i.__0vsprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printf1.o(i.__0fprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf1.o(i.__0fprintf$1) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf1.o(i.__0printf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf1.o(i.__0printf$1) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf1.o(i.__0printf$1) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printf1.o(i.__0snprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf1.o(i.__0snprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printf1.o(i.__0sprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf1.o(i.__0sprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printf1.o(i.__0vfprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf1.o(i.__0vfprintf$1) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf1.o(i.__0vprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf1.o(i.__0vprintf$1) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf1.o(i.__0vprintf$1) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printf1.o(i.__0vsnprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf1.o(i.__0vsnprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printf1.o(i.__0vsprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf1.o(i.__0vsprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printf1.o(i._printf_core) refers to uidiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uidivmod
printf2.o(i.__0fprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf2.o(i.__0fprintf$2) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf2.o(i.__0printf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf2.o(i.__0printf$2) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf2.o(i.__0printf$2) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printf2.o(i.__0snprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf2.o(i.__0snprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printf2.o(i.__0sprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf2.o(i.__0sprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printf2.o(i.__0vfprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf2.o(i.__0vfprintf$2) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf2.o(i.__0vprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf2.o(i.__0vprintf$2) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf2.o(i.__0vprintf$2) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printf2.o(i.__0vsnprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf2.o(i.__0vsnprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printf2.o(i.__0vsprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf2.o(i.__0vsprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printf3.o(i.__0fprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf3.o(i.__0fprintf$3) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf3.o(i.__0printf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf3.o(i.__0printf$3) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf3.o(i.__0printf$3) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printf3.o(i.__0snprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf3.o(i.__0snprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printf3.o(i.__0sprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf3.o(i.__0sprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printf3.o(i.__0vfprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf3.o(i.__0vfprintf$3) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf3.o(i.__0vprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf3.o(i.__0vprintf$3) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf3.o(i.__0vprintf$3) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printf3.o(i.__0vsnprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf3.o(i.__0vsnprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printf3.o(i.__0vsprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf3.o(i.__0vsprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printf3.o(i._printf_core) refers to uidiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uidivmod
printf4.o(i.__0fprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf4.o(i.__0fprintf$4) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf4.o(i.__0printf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf4.o(i.__0printf$4) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf4.o(i.__0printf$4) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printf4.o(i.__0snprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf4.o(i.__0snprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printf4.o(i.__0sprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf4.o(i.__0sprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printf4.o(i.__0vfprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf4.o(i.__0vfprintf$4) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf4.o(i.__0vprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf4.o(i.__0vprintf$4) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf4.o(i.__0vprintf$4) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printf4.o(i.__0vsnprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf4.o(i.__0vsnprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printf4.o(i.__0vsprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf4.o(i.__0vsprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printf4.o(i._printf_core) refers to uldiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uldivmod
printf5.o(i.__0fprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf5.o(i.__0fprintf$5) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf5.o(i.__0printf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf5.o(i.__0printf$5) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf5.o(i.__0printf$5) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printf5.o(i.__0snprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf5.o(i.__0snprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printf5.o(i.__0sprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf5.o(i.__0sprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printf5.o(i.__0vfprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf5.o(i.__0vfprintf$5) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf5.o(i.__0vprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf5.o(i.__0vprintf$5) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf5.o(i.__0vprintf$5) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printf5.o(i.__0vsnprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf5.o(i.__0vsnprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printf5.o(i.__0vsprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf5.o(i.__0vsprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printf5.o(i._printf_core) refers to uldiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uldivmod
printf6.o(i.__0fprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf6.o(i.__0fprintf$6) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf6.o(i.__0printf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf6.o(i.__0printf$6) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf6.o(i.__0printf$6) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printf6.o(i.__0snprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf6.o(i.__0snprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printf6.o(i.__0sprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf6.o(i.__0sprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printf6.o(i.__0vfprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf6.o(i.__0vfprintf$6) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf6.o(i.__0vprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf6.o(i.__0vprintf$6) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf6.o(i.__0vprintf$6) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printf6.o(i.__0vsnprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf6.o(i.__0vsnprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printf6.o(i.__0vsprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf6.o(i.__0vsprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printf6.o(i._printf_core) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_pre_padding) for _printf_pre_padding
printf6.o(i._printf_core) refers to uidiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uidivmod
printf6.o(i._printf_core) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_post_padding) for _printf_post_padding
printf7.o(i.__0fprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf7.o(i.__0fprintf$7) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf7.o(i.__0printf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf7.o(i.__0printf$7) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf7.o(i.__0printf$7) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printf7.o(i.__0snprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf7.o(i.__0snprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printf7.o(i.__0sprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf7.o(i.__0sprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printf7.o(i.__0vfprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf7.o(i.__0vfprintf$7) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf7.o(i.__0vprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf7.o(i.__0vprintf$7) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf7.o(i.__0vprintf$7) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printf7.o(i.__0vsnprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf7.o(i.__0vsnprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printf7.o(i.__0vsprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf7.o(i.__0vsprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printf7.o(i._printf_core) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_pre_padding) for _printf_pre_padding
printf7.o(i._printf_core) refers to uldiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uldivmod
printf7.o(i._printf_core) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_post_padding) for _printf_post_padding
printf8.o(i.__0fprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf8.o(i.__0fprintf$8) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printf8.o(i.__0sprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf8.o(i.__0sprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printf8.o(i.__0vfprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf8.o(i.__0vfprintf$8) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf8.o(i.__0vprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf8.o(i.__0vprintf$8) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printf8.o(i.__0vprintf$8) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printf8.o(i.__0vsnprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf8.o(i.__0vsnprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printf8.o(i.__0vsprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printf8.o(i.__0vsprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printf8.o(i._printf_core) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_pre_padding) for _printf_pre_padding
printf8.o(i._printf_core) refers to uldiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uldivmod
printf8.o(i._printf_core) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_post_padding) for _printf_post_padding
printfa.o(i.__0fprintf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
printfa.o(i.__0fprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printfa.o(i.__0fprintf) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printfa.o(i.__0printf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
printfa.o(i.__0printf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printfa.o(i.__0printf) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printfa.o(i.__0printf) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printfa.o(i.__0snprintf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
printfa.o(i.__0snprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printfa.o(i.__0snprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printfa.o(i.__0sprintf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
printfa.o(i.__0sprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printfa.o(i.__0sprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printfa.o(i.__0vfprintf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
printfa.o(i.__0vfprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printfa.o(i.__0vfprintf) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printfa.o(i.__0vprintf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
printfa.o(i.__0vprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printfa.o(i.__0vprintf) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc
printfa.o(i.__0vprintf) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout
printfa.o(i.__0vsnprintf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
printfa.o(i.__0vsnprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printfa.o(i.__0vsnprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
printfa.o(i.__0vsprintf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
printfa.o(i.__0vsprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
printfa.o(i.__0vsprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
printfa.o(i._fp_digits) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
printfa.o(i._fp_digits) refers to dmul.o(.text) for __aeabi_dmul
printfa.o(i._fp_digits) refers to ddiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_ddiv
printfa.o(i._fp_digits) refers to cdrcmple.o(.text) for __aeabi_cdrcmple
printfa.o(i._fp_digits) refers to dadd.o(.text) for __aeabi_dadd
printfa.o(i._fp_digits) refers to dfixul.o(.text) for __aeabi_d2ulz
printfa.o(i._fp_digits) refers to uldiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uldivmod
printfa.o(i._printf_core) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
printfa.o(i._printf_core) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_pre_padding) for _printf_pre_padding
printfa.o(i._printf_core) refers to uldiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uldivmod
printfa.o(i._printf_core) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_post_padding) for _printf_post_padding
printfa.o(i._printf_core) refers to printfa.o(i._fp_digits) for _fp_digits
printfa.o(i._printf_core) refers to uidiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uidivmod
printfa.o(i._printf_post_padding) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
printfa.o(i._printf_pre_padding) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
printfa.o(i._snputc) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
printfa.o(i._sputc) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
fadd.o(.text) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
fadd.o(.text) refers to fepilogue.o(.text) for _float_epilogue
fmul.o(.text) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
fflti.o(.text) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
fflti.o(.text) refers to fepilogue.o(.text) for _float_epilogue
ffixi.o(.text) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000001) refers to entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00002712) for __lit__00000000
entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00002712) refers to startup_stm32f10x_md.o(STACK) for __initial_sp
entry2.o(__vectab_stack_and_reset_area) refers to startup_stm32f10x_md.o(STACK) for __initial_sp
entry2.o(__vectab_stack_and_reset_area) refers to entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) for __main
entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004) refers to init.o(.text) for __scatterload
entry9a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B) refers to main.o(.text) for main
entry9b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000C) refers to main.o(.text) for main
uldiv.o(.text) refers to llushr.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsr
uldiv.o(.text) refers to llshl.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsl
dadd.o(.text) refers to llshl.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsl
dadd.o(.text) refers to llsshr.o(.text) for __aeabi_lasr
dadd.o(.text) refers to depilogue.o(.text) for _double_epilogue
dmul.o(.text) refers to depilogue.o(.text) for _double_epilogue
ddiv.o(.text) refers to depilogue.o(.text) for _double_round
dfixul.o(.text) refers to llushr.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsr
dfixul.o(.text) refers to llshl.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsl
init.o(.text) refers to entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004) for __main_after_scatterload
depilogue.o(.text) refers to llshl.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsl
depilogue.o(.text) refers to llushr.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsr
Removing Unused input sections from the image.
Removing led.o(.text), (120 bytes).
Removing adc.o(.text), (232 bytes).
Removing sys.o(.emb_text), (6 bytes).
Removing sys.o(.text), (12 bytes).
Removing core_cm3.o(.emb_text), (32 bytes).
Removing startup_stm32f10x_md.o(HEAP), (512 bytes).
Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(.text), (1102 bytes).
Removing dadd.o(.text), (334 bytes).
Removing dmul.o(.text), (228 bytes).
Removing ddiv.o(.text), (222 bytes).
Removing dfixul.o(.text), (48 bytes).
Removing cdrcmple.o(.text), (48 bytes).
Removing depilogue.o(.text), (186 bytes).
13 unused section(s) (total 3082 bytes) removed from the image.
Image Symbol Table
Local Symbols
Symbol Name Value Ov Type Size Object(Section)
../clib/../cmprslib/zerorunl.c 0x00000000 Number 0 __dczerorl.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/division.c 0x00000000 Number 0 uldiv.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/division.c 0x00000000 Number 0 uidiv.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry8b.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry9a.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry9b.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry2.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry5.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry7a.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry11b.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry11a.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry7b.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry10b.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry8a.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry10a.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/longlong.c 0x00000000 Number 0 llsshr.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/longlong.c 0x00000000 Number 0 llushr.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/longlong.c 0x00000000 Number 0 llshl.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf0.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printfb.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf2.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf3.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf4.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf5.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf6.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf7.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf8.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printfa.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf1.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/printf/stubs.s 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/string/strstr.c 0x00000000 Number 0 strstr.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/stubs.s 0x00000000 Number 0 useno.o ABSOLUTE
../clib/microlib/stubs.s 0x00000000 Number 0 iusefp.o ABSOLUTE
../fplib/microlib/fpadd.c 0x00000000 Number 0 fadd.o ABSOLUTE
../fplib/microlib/fpadd.c 0x00000000 Number 0 dadd.o ABSOLUTE
../fplib/microlib/fpdiv.c 0x00000000 Number 0 ddiv.o ABSOLUTE
../fplib/microlib/fpepilogue.c 0x00000000 Number 0 fepilogue.o ABSOLUTE
../fplib/microlib/fpepilogue.c 0x00000000 Number 0 depilogue.o ABSOLUTE
../fplib/microlib/fpfix.c 0x00000000 Number 0 ffixi.o ABSOLUTE
../fplib/microlib/fpfix.c 0x00000000 Number 0 dfixul.o ABSOLUTE
../fplib/microlib/fpflt.c 0x00000000 Number 0 fflti.o ABSOLUTE
../fplib/microlib/fpmul.c 0x00000000 Number 0 fmul.o ABSOLUTE
../fplib/microlib/fpmul.c 0x00000000 Number 0 dmul.o ABSOLUTE
..\CORE\core_cm3.c 0x00000000 Number 0 core_cm3.o ABSOLUTE
..\CORE\startup_stm32f10x_md.s 0x00000000 Number 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o ABSOLUTE
..\HARDWARE\ADC\adc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 adc.o ABSOLUTE
..\HARDWARE\ENCODER\encoder.c 0x00000000 Number 0 encoder.o ABSOLUTE
..\HARDWARE\ESP8266\wifi.c 0x00000000 Number 0 wifi.o ABSOLUTE
..\HARDWARE\KEY\key.c 0x00000000 Number 0 key.o ABSOLUTE
..\HARDWARE\LED\led.c 0x00000000 Number 0 led.o ABSOLUTE
..\HARDWARE\MOTOR\motor.c 0x00000000 Number 0 motor.o ABSOLUTE
..\HARDWARE\OLED\oled.c 0x00000000 Number 0 oled.o ABSOLUTE
..\HARDWARE\TIMER\timer.c 0x00000000 Number 0 timer.o ABSOLUTE
..\STM32F10x_FWLib\src\misc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 misc.o ABSOLUTE
..\STM32F10x_FWLib\src\stm32f10x_adc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_adc.o ABSOLUTE
..\STM32F10x_FWLib\src\stm32f10x_gpio.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_gpio.o ABSOLUTE
..\STM32F10x_FWLib\src\stm32f10x_rcc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_rcc.o ABSOLUTE
..\STM32F10x_FWLib\src\stm32f10x_tim.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_tim.o ABSOLUTE
..\STM32F10x_FWLib\src\stm32f10x_usart.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_usart.o ABSOLUTE
..\SYSTEM\delay\delay.c 0x00000000 Number 0 delay.o ABSOLUTE
..\SYSTEM\sys\sys.c 0x00000000 Number 0 sys.o ABSOLUTE
..\SYSTEM\usart\usart.c 0x00000000 Number 0 usart.o ABSOLUTE
..\\CORE\\core_cm3.c 0x00000000 Number 0 core_cm3.o ABSOLUTE
..\\SYSTEM\\sys\\sys.c 0x00000000 Number 0 sys.o ABSOLUTE
cdrcmple.s 0x00000000 Number 0 cdrcmple.o ABSOLUTE
dc.s 0x00000000 Number 0 dc.o ABSOLUTE
handlers.s 0x00000000 Number 0 handlers.o ABSOLUTE
init.s 0x00000000 Number 0 init.o ABSOLUTE
main.c 0x00000000 Number 0 main.o ABSOLUTE
stm32f10x_it.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_it.o ABSOLUTE
system_stm32f10x.c 0x00000000 Number 0 system_stm32f10x.o ABSOLUTE
RESET 0x08000000 Section 236 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET)
.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000 0x080000ec Section 0 entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000)
.ARM.Collect$$$$00000001 0x080000ec Section 4 entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000001)
.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004 0x080000f0 Section 4 entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004)
.ARM.Collect$$$$00000008 0x080000f4 Section 0 entry7b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000008)
.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000A 0x080000f4 Section 0 entry8b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000A)
.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B 0x080000f4 Section 8 entry9a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B)
.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000D 0x080000fc Section 0 entry10a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000D)
.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000F 0x080000fc Section 0 entry11a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000F)
.ARM.Collect$$$$00002712 0x080000fc Section 4 entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00002712)
__lit__00000000 0x080000fc Data 4 entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00002712)
.text 0x08000100 Section 0 main.o(.text)
.text 0x08000310 Section 0 stm32f10x_it.o(.text)
.text 0x0800032c Section 0 system_stm32f10x.o(.text)
SetSysClockTo72 0x0800032d Thumb Code 214 system_stm32f10x.o(.text)
SetSysClock 0x08000403 Thumb Code 8 system_stm32f10x.o(.text)
.text 0x0800050c Section 0 wifi.o(.text)
.text 0x080007f8 Section 0 timer.o(.text)
.text 0x08000878 Section 0 oled.o(.text)
.text 0x08000e64 Section 0 motor.o(.text)
.text 0x08000f3c Section 0 encoder.o(.text)
.text 0x080010f4 Section 0 key.o(.text)
.text 0x080011d0 Section 0 delay.o(.text)
.text 0x080012a4 Section 0 usart.o(.text)
.text 0x08001410 Section 36 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
.text 0x08001434 Section 0 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text)
.text 0x08001790 Section 0 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
.text 0x08001b34 Section 0 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
.text 0x08001f3c Section 0 misc.o(.text)
.text 0x08002018 Section 0 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TI4_Config 0x080024bf Thumb Code 130 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TI3_Config 0x08002553 Thumb Code 122 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TI2_Config 0x080025e7 Thumb Code 130 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TI1_Config 0x0800267b Thumb Code 108 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
.text 0x08002e32 Section 0 strstr.o(.text)
.text 0x08002e56 Section 0 fadd.o(.text)
.text 0x08002f06 Section 0 fmul.o(.text)
.text 0x08002f6a Section 0 fflti.o(.text)
.text 0x08002f7c Section 0 ffixi.o(.text)
.text 0x08002fae Section 0 uidiv.o(.text)
.text 0x08002fda Section 0 fepilogue.o(.text)
.text 0x08002fda Section 0 iusefp.o(.text)
.text 0x08003048 Section 36 init.o(.text)
.text 0x0800306c Section 0 __dczerorl.o(.text)
i.__0sprintf$1 0x080030a8 Section 0 printf1.o(i.__0sprintf$1)
i.__scatterload_copy 0x080030d0 Section 14 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_copy)
i.__scatterload_null 0x080030de Section 2 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_null)
i.__scatterload_zeroinit 0x080030e0 Section 14 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_zeroinit)
i._printf_core 0x080030f0 Section 0 printf1.o(i._printf_core)
_printf_core 0x080030f1 Thumb Code 336 printf1.o(i._printf_core)
i._sputc 0x08003244 Section 0 printf1.o(i._sputc)
_sputc 0x08003245 Thumb Code 10 printf1.o(i._sputc)
.constdata 0x0800324e Section 2072 oled.o(.constdata)
.data 0x20000000 Section 28 main.o(.data)
velocity_Kp 0x20000008 Data 4 main.o(.data)
velocity_Kd 0x2000000c Data 4 main.o(.data)
Bias 0x20000010 Data 4 main.o(.data)
Pwm 0x20000014 Data 4 main.o(.data)
Last_bias 0x20000018 Data 4 main.o(.data)
.data 0x2000001c Section 20 system_stm32f10x.o(.data)
.data 0x20000030 Section 1 wifi.o(.data)
.data 0x20000031 Section 320 oled.o(.data)
.data 0x20000171 Section 1 key.o(.data)
key_up 0x20000171 Data 1 key.o(.data)
.data 0x20000172 Section 4 delay.o(.data)
fac_us 0x20000172 Data 1 delay.o(.data)
fac_ms 0x20000174 Data 2 delay.o(.data)
.data 0x20000178 Section 6 usart.o(.data)
.data 0x2000017e Section 20 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.data)
APBAHBPrescTable 0x2000017e Data 16 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.data)
ADCPrescTable 0x2000018e Data 4 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.data)
.bss 0x20000194 Section 12 main.o(.bss)
.bss 0x200001a0 Section 100 wifi.o(.bss)
.bss 0x20000204 Section 200 usart.o(.bss)
STACK 0x200002d0 Section 1024 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(STACK)
Global Symbols
Symbol Name Value Ov Type Size Object(Section)
BuildAttributes$$THM_ISAv4$P$D$K$B$S$PE$A:L22UL41UL21$X:L11$S22US41US21$IEEE1$IW$USESV6$~STKCKD$USESV7$~SHL$OTIME$ROPI$EBA8$MICROLIB$REQ8$PRES8$EABIv2 0x00000000 Number 0 anon$$obj.o ABSOLUTE
__ARM_use_no_argv 0x00000000 Number 0 main.o ABSOLUTE
__use_no_errno 0x00000000 Number 0 useno.o ABSOLUTE
__use_no_exception_handling 0x00000000 Number 0 useno.o ABSOLUTE
__use_no_fp 0x00000000 Number 0 useno.o ABSOLUTE
__use_no_heap 0x00000000 Number 0 useno.o ABSOLUTE
__use_no_heap_region 0x00000000 Number 0 useno.o ABSOLUTE
__use_no_semihosting 0x00000000 Number 0 useno.o ABSOLUTE
__use_no_semihosting_swi 0x00000000 Number 0 useno.o ABSOLUTE
__use_no_signal_handling 0x00000000 Number 0 useno.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_a 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_c 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_charcount 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_d 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_e 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_f 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_flags 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_fp_dec 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_fp_hex 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_g 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_i 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_int_dec 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_l 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_lc 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_ll 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_lld 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_lli 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_llo 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_llu 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_llx 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_longlong_dec 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_longlong_hex 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_longlong_oct 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_ls 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_mbtowc 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_n 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_o 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_p 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_percent 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_pre_padding 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_return_value 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_s 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_sizespec 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_str 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_truncate_signed 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_truncate_unsigned 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_u 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_wc 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_wctomb 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_widthprec 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
_printf_x 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
__cpp_initialize__aeabi_ - Undefined Weak Reference
__cxa_finalize - Undefined Weak Reference
_clock_init - Undefined Weak Reference
_microlib_exit - Undefined Weak Reference
__Vectors_Size 0x000000ec Number 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o ABSOLUTE
__Vectors 0x08000000 Data 4 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET)
__Vectors_End 0x080000ec Data 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET)
__main 0x080000ed Thumb Code 0 entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000)
_main_stk 0x080000ed Thumb Code 0 entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000001)
_main_scatterload 0x080000f1 Thumb Code 0 entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004)
__main_after_scatterload 0x080000f5 Thumb Code 0 entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004)
_main_clock 0x080000f5 Thumb Code 0 entry7b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000008)
_main_cpp_init 0x080000f5 Thumb Code 0 entry8b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000A)
_main_init 0x080000f5 Thumb Code 0 entry9a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B)
__rt_final_cpp 0x080000fd Thumb Code 0 entry10a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000D)
__rt_final_exit 0x080000fd Thumb Code 0 entry11a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000F)
OLED_Display 0x08000101 Thumb Code 46 main.o(.text)
Incremental_PI_B_Mode2 0x0800012f Thumb Code 146 main.o(.text)
processingTasks 0x080001c1 Thumb Code 96 main.o(.text)
Sys_Init 0x08000221 Thumb Code 68 main.o(.text)
main 0x08000265 Thumb Code 30 main.o(.text)
velocity_PID 0x08000283 Thumb Code 72 main.o(.text)
NMI_Handler 0x08000311 Thumb Code 2 stm32f10x_it.o(.text)
HardFault_Handler 0x08000313 Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_it.o(.text)
MemManage_Handler 0x08000317 Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_it.o(.text)
BusFault_Handler 0x0800031b Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_it.o(.text)
UsageFault_Handler 0x0800031f Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_it.o(.text)
SVC_Handler 0x08000323 Thumb Code 2 stm32f10x_it.o(.text)
DebugMon_Handler 0x08000325 Thumb Code 2 stm32f10x_it.o(.text)
PendSV_Handler 0x08000327 Thumb Code 2 stm32f10x_it.o(.text)
SysTick_Handler 0x08000329 Thumb Code 2 stm32f10x_it.o(.text)
SystemInit 0x0800040b Thumb Code 78 system_stm32f10x.o(.text)
SystemCoreClockUpdate 0x08000459 Thumb Code 142 system_stm32f10x.o(.text)
USART3_init 0x0800050d Thumb Code 160 wifi.o(.text)
USART3_IRQHandler 0x080005ad Thumb Code 44 wifi.o(.text)
CLR_Buf 0x080005d9 Thumb Code 26 wifi.o(.text)
UART3_SendString 0x080005f3 Thumb Code 38 wifi.o(.text)
UART3_Send_Command 0x08000619 Thumb Code 22 wifi.o(.text)
Find 0x0800062f Thumb Code 22 wifi.o(.text)
UART3_Send_AT_Command 0x08000645 Thumb Code 54 wifi.o(.text)
ESP8266_wifi_Init 0x0800067b Thumb Code 186 wifi.o(.text)
ESP8266_send_data 0x08000735 Thumb Code 36 wifi.o(.text)
TIM3_Int_Init 0x080007f9 Thumb Code 88 timer.o(.text)
TIM3_IRQHandler 0x08000851 Thumb Code 32 timer.o(.text)
IIC_Start 0x08000879 Thumb Code 44 oled.o(.text)
IIC_Stop 0x080008a5 Thumb Code 34 oled.o(.text)
IIC_Wait_Ack 0x080008c7 Thumb Code 24 oled.o(.text)
Write_IIC_Byte 0x080008df Thumb Code 88 oled.o(.text)
Write_IIC_Command 0x08000937 Thumb Code 44 oled.o(.text)
Write_IIC_Data 0x08000963 Thumb Code 44 oled.o(.text)
OLED_WR_Byte 0x0800098f Thumb Code 24 oled.o(.text)
fill_picture 0x080009a7 Thumb Code 64 oled.o(.text)
Delay_50ms 0x080009e7 Thumb Code 22 oled.o(.text)
Delay_1ms 0x080009fd Thumb Code 26 oled.o(.text)
OLED_Set_Pos 0x08000a17 Thumb Code 40 oled.o(.text)
OLED_Display_On 0x08000a3f Thumb Code 28 oled.o(.text)
OLED_Display_Off 0x08000a5b Thumb Code 28 oled.o(.text)
OLED_Clear 0x08000a77 Thumb Code 62 oled.o(.text)
OLED_On 0x08000ab5 Thumb Code 62 oled.o(.text)
OLED_ShowChar 0x08000af3 Thumb Code 154 oled.o(.text)
oled_pow 0x08000b8d Thumb Code 22 oled.o(.text)
OLED_ShowNum 0x08000ba3 Thumb Code 136 oled.o(.text)
OLED_ShowString 0x08000c2b Thumb Code 70 oled.o(.text)
OLED_ShowCHinese 0x08000c71 Thumb Code 98 oled.o(.text)
OLED_DrawBMP 0x08000cd3 Thumb Code 118 oled.o(.text)
OLED_Init 0x08000d49 Thumb Code 274 oled.o(.text)
Motor_Init 0x08000e65 Thumb Code 40 motor.o(.text)
PWM_Init 0x08000e8d Thumb Code 164 motor.o(.text)
Encoder_Init_TIM2 0x08000f3d Thumb Code 154 encoder.o(.text)
Encoder_Init_TIM4 0x08000fd7 Thumb Code 148 encoder.o(.text)
Read_Encoder 0x0800106b Thumb Code 74 encoder.o(.text)
TIM4_IRQHandler 0x080010b5 Thumb Code 24 encoder.o(.text)
TIM2_IRQHandler 0x080010cd Thumb Code 24 encoder.o(.text)
KEY_Init 0x080010f5 Thumb Code 54 key.o(.text)
KEY_Scan 0x0800112b Thumb Code 154 key.o(.text)
delay_init 0x080011d1 Thumb Code 50 delay.o(.text)
delay_us 0x08001203 Thumb Code 72 delay.o(.text)
delay_ms 0x0800124b Thumb Code 72 delay.o(.text)
_sys_exit 0x080012a5 Thumb Code 6 usart.o(.text)
fputc 0x080012ab Thumb Code 24 usart.o(.text)
UART1_SendString 0x080012c3 Thumb Code 42 usart.o(.text)
uart_init 0x080012ed Thumb Code 152 usart.o(.text)
USART1_IRQHandler 0x08001385 Thumb Code 122 usart.o(.text)
Reset_Handler 0x08001411 Thumb Code 8 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
ADC1_2_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
CAN1_RX1_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
CAN1_SCE_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
DMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
EXTI0_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
EXTI15_10_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
EXTI1_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
EXTI2_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
EXTI3_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
EXTI4_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
EXTI9_5_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
FLASH_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
I2C1_ER_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
I2C1_EV_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
I2C2_ER_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
I2C2_EV_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
PVD_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
RCC_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
RTCAlarm_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
RTC_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
SPI1_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
SPI2_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
TAMPER_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
TIM1_CC_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
TIM1_UP_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
USART2_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
USBWakeUp_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
USB_HP_CAN1_TX_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
USB_LP_CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
WWDG_IRQHandler 0x0800142b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text)
GPIO_DeInit 0x08001435 Thumb Code 172 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text)
GPIO_AFIODeInit 0x080014e1 Thumb Code 20 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text)
GPIO_Init 0x080014f5 Thumb Code 278 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text)
GPIO_StructInit 0x0800160b Thumb Code 16 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text)
GPIO_ReadInputDataBit 0x0800161b Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text)
GPIO_ReadInputData 0x0800162d Thumb Code 8 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text)
GPIO_ReadOutputDataBit 0x08001635 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text)
GPIO_ReadOutputData 0x08001647 Thumb Code 8 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text)
GPIO_SetBits 0x0800164f Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text)
GPIO_ResetBits 0x08001653 Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text)
GPIO_WriteBit 0x08001657 Thumb Code 10 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text)
GPIO_Write 0x08001661 Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text)
GPIO_PinLockConfig 0x08001665 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text)
GPIO_EventOutputConfig 0x08001677 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text)
GPIO_EventOutputCmd 0x08001691 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text)
GPIO_PinRemapConfig 0x08001697 Thumb Code 138 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text)
GPIO_EXTILineConfig 0x08001721 Thumb Code 66 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text)
GPIO_ETH_MediaInterfaceConfig 0x08001763 Thumb Code 8 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text)
RCC_DeInit 0x08001791 Thumb Code 64 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_HSEConfig 0x080017d1 Thumb Code 70 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_GetFlagStatus 0x08001817 Thumb Code 56 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_WaitForHSEStartUp 0x0800184f Thumb Code 56 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_AdjustHSICalibrationValue 0x08001887 Thumb Code 20 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_HSICmd 0x0800189b Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_PLLConfig 0x080018a1 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_PLLCmd 0x080018b9 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_SYSCLKConfig 0x080018bf Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_GetSYSCLKSource 0x080018d1 Thumb Code 10 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_HCLKConfig 0x080018db Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_PCLK1Config 0x080018ed Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_PCLK2Config 0x080018ff Thumb Code 20 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_ITConfig 0x08001913 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_USBCLKConfig 0x0800192d Thumb Code 8 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_ADCCLKConfig 0x08001935 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_LSEConfig 0x08001947 Thumb Code 50 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_LSICmd 0x08001979 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_RTCCLKConfig 0x0800197f Thumb Code 12 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_RTCCLKCmd 0x0800198b Thumb Code 8 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_GetClocksFreq 0x08001993 Thumb Code 192 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd 0x08001a53 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd 0x08001a6d Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd 0x08001a87 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd 0x08001aa1 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd 0x08001abb Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_BackupResetCmd 0x08001ad5 Thumb Code 8 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_ClockSecuritySystemCmd 0x08001add Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_MCOConfig 0x08001ae3 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_ClearFlag 0x08001ae9 Thumb Code 14 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_GetITStatus 0x08001af7 Thumb Code 20 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
RCC_ClearITPendingBit 0x08001b0b Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text)
USART_DeInit 0x08001b35 Thumb Code 134 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_Init 0x08001bbb Thumb Code 210 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_StructInit 0x08001c8d Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_ClockInit 0x08001ca5 Thumb Code 34 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_ClockStructInit 0x08001cc7 Thumb Code 12 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_Cmd 0x08001cd3 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_ITConfig 0x08001ceb Thumb Code 74 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_DMACmd 0x08001d35 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_SetAddress 0x08001d47 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_WakeUpConfig 0x08001d59 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_ReceiverWakeUpCmd 0x08001d6b Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_LINBreakDetectLengthConfig 0x08001d83 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_LINCmd 0x08001d95 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_SendData 0x08001dad Thumb Code 8 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_ReceiveData 0x08001db5 Thumb Code 10 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_SendBreak 0x08001dbf Thumb Code 10 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_SetGuardTime 0x08001dc9 Thumb Code 16 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_SetPrescaler 0x08001dd9 Thumb Code 16 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_SmartCardCmd 0x08001de9 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_SmartCardNACKCmd 0x08001e01 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_HalfDuplexCmd 0x08001e19 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_OverSampling8Cmd 0x08001e31 Thumb Code 22 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_OneBitMethodCmd 0x08001e47 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_IrDAConfig 0x08001e5f Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_IrDACmd 0x08001e71 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_GetFlagStatus 0x08001e89 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_ClearFlag 0x08001ea3 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_GetITStatus 0x08001eb5 Thumb Code 84 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
USART_ClearITPendingBit 0x08001f09 Thumb Code 52 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text)
NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig 0x08001f3d Thumb Code 10 misc.o(.text)
NVIC_Init 0x08001f47 Thumb Code 100 misc.o(.text)
NVIC_SetVectorTable 0x08001fab Thumb Code 14 misc.o(.text)
NVIC_SystemLPConfig 0x08001fb9 Thumb Code 34 misc.o(.text)
SysTick_CLKSourceConfig 0x08001fdb Thumb Code 40 misc.o(.text)
TIM_DeInit 0x08002019 Thumb Code 424 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_TimeBaseInit 0x080021c1 Thumb Code 122 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_OC1Init 0x0800223b Thumb Code 132 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_OC2Init 0x080022bf Thumb Code 154 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_OC3Init 0x08002359 Thumb Code 150 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_OC4Init 0x080023ef Thumb Code 182 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_SetIC4Prescaler 0x080024a5 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_SetIC3Prescaler 0x08002541 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_SetIC2Prescaler 0x080025cd Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_SetIC1Prescaler 0x08002669 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_ICInit 0x080026e7 Thumb Code 150 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_PWMIConfig 0x0800277d Thumb Code 124 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_BDTRConfig 0x080027f9 Thumb Code 32 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_TimeBaseStructInit 0x08002819 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_OCStructInit 0x0800282b Thumb Code 20 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_ICStructInit 0x0800283f Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_BDTRStructInit 0x08002851 Thumb Code 40 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_Cmd 0x08002879 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_CtrlPWMOutputs 0x08002891 Thumb Code 30 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_ITConfig 0x080028af Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_GenerateEvent 0x080028c1 Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_DMAConfig 0x080028c5 Thumb Code 10 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_DMACmd 0x080028cf Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_InternalClockConfig 0x080028e1 Thumb Code 12 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_SelectInputTrigger 0x080028ed Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_ITRxExternalClockConfig 0x080028ff Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_TIxExternalClockConfig 0x08002917 Thumb Code 62 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_ETRConfig 0x08002955 Thumb Code 28 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_ETRClockMode1Config 0x08002971 Thumb Code 54 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_ETRClockMode2Config 0x080029a7 Thumb Code 32 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_PrescalerConfig 0x080029c7 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_CounterModeConfig 0x080029cd Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_EncoderInterfaceConfig 0x080029df Thumb Code 66 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_ForcedOC1Config 0x08002a21 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_ForcedOC2Config 0x08002a33 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_ForcedOC3Config 0x08002a4d Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_ForcedOC4Config 0x08002a5f Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_ARRPreloadConfig 0x08002a79 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_SelectCOM 0x08002a91 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_SelectCCDMA 0x08002aa9 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_CCPreloadControl 0x08002ac1 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_OC1PreloadConfig 0x08002ad9 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_OC2PreloadConfig 0x08002aeb Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_OC3PreloadConfig 0x08002b05 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_OC4PreloadConfig 0x08002b17 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_OC1FastConfig 0x08002b31 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_OC2FastConfig 0x08002b43 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_OC3FastConfig 0x08002b5d Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_OC4FastConfig 0x08002b6f Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_ClearOC1Ref 0x08002b89 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_ClearOC2Ref 0x08002b9b Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_ClearOC3Ref 0x08002bb3 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_ClearOC4Ref 0x08002bc5 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_OC1PolarityConfig 0x08002bdd Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_OC1NPolarityConfig 0x08002bef Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_OC2PolarityConfig 0x08002c01 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_OC2NPolarityConfig 0x08002c1b Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_OC3PolarityConfig 0x08002c35 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_OC3NPolarityConfig 0x08002c4f Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_OC4PolarityConfig 0x08002c69 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_CCxCmd 0x08002c83 Thumb Code 30 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_CCxNCmd 0x08002ca1 Thumb Code 30 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_SelectOCxM 0x08002cbf Thumb Code 82 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_UpdateDisableConfig 0x08002d11 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_UpdateRequestConfig 0x08002d29 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_SelectHallSensor 0x08002d41 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_SelectOnePulseMode 0x08002d59 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_SelectOutputTrigger 0x08002d6b Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_SelectSlaveMode 0x08002d7d Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_SelectMasterSlaveMode 0x08002d8f Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_SetCounter 0x08002da1 Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_SetAutoreload 0x08002da5 Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_SetCompare1 0x08002da9 Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_SetCompare2 0x08002dad Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_SetCompare3 0x08002db1 Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_SetCompare4 0x08002db5 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_SetClockDivision 0x08002dbb Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_GetCapture1 0x08002dcd Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_GetCapture2 0x08002dd3 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_GetCapture3 0x08002dd9 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_GetCapture4 0x08002ddf Thumb Code 8 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_GetCounter 0x08002de7 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_GetPrescaler 0x08002ded Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_GetFlagStatus 0x08002df3 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_ClearFlag 0x08002e05 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_GetITStatus 0x08002e0b Thumb Code 34 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
TIM_ClearITPendingBit 0x08002e2d Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text)
strstr 0x08002e33 Thumb Code 36 strstr.o(.text)
__aeabi_fadd 0x08002e57 Thumb Code 164 fadd.o(.text)
__aeabi_fsub 0x08002efb Thumb Code 6 fadd.o(.text)
__aeabi_frsub 0x08002f01 Thumb Code 6 fadd.o(.text)
__aeabi_fmul 0x08002f07 Thumb Code 100 fmul.o(.text)
__aeabi_i2f 0x08002f6b Thumb Code 18 fflti.o(.text)
__aeabi_f2iz 0x08002f7d Thumb Code 50 ffixi.o(.text)
__aeabi_uidiv 0x08002faf Thumb Code 0 uidiv.o(.text)
__aeabi_uidivmod 0x08002faf Thumb Code 44 uidiv.o(.text)
__I$use$fp 0x08002fdb Thumb Code 0 iusefp.o(.text)
_float_round 0x08002fdb Thumb Code 18 fepilogue.o(.text)
_float_epilogue 0x08002fed Thumb Code 92 fepilogue.o(.text)
__scatterload 0x08003049 Thumb Code 28 init.o(.text)
__scatterload_rt2 0x08003049 Thumb Code 0 init.o(.text)
__decompress 0x0800306d Thumb Code 0 __dczerorl.o(.text)
__decompress0 0x0800306d Thumb Code 58 __dczerorl.o(.text)
__0sprintf$1 0x080030a9 Thumb Code 34 printf1.o(i.__0sprintf$1)
__1sprintf$1 0x080030a9 Thumb Code 0 printf1.o(i.__0sprintf$1)
__2sprintf 0x080030a9 Thumb Code 0 printf1.o(i.__0sprintf$1)
__scatterload_copy 0x080030d1 Thumb Code 14 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_copy)
__scatterload_null 0x080030df Thumb Code 2 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_null)
__scatterload_zeroinit 0x080030e1 Thumb Code 14 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_zeroinit)
F6x8 0x0800324e Data 552 oled.o(.constdata)
F8X16 0x08003476 Data 1520 oled.o(.constdata)
Region$$Table$$Base 0x08003a68 Number 0 anon$$obj.o(Region$$Table)
Region$$Table$$Limit 0x08003a88 Number 0 anon$$obj.o(Region$$Table)
Velocity_KP_Mode2 0x20000000 Data 4 main.o(.data)
Velocity_KI_Mode2 0x20000004 Data 4 main.o(.data)
SystemCoreClock 0x2000001c Data 4 system_stm32f10x.o(.data)
AHBPrescTable 0x20000020 Data 16 system_stm32f10x.o(.data)
First_Int 0x20000030 Data 1 wifi.o(.data)
Hzk 0x20000031 Data 320 oled.o(.data)
__stdout 0x20000178 Data 4 usart.o(.data)
USART_RX_STA 0x2000017c Data 2 usart.o(.data)
userInfo 0x20000194 Data 12 main.o(.bss)
Uart3_Buf 0x200001a0 Data 100 wifi.o(.bss)
USART_RX_BUF 0x20000204 Data 200 usart.o(.bss)
__initial_sp 0x200006d0 Data 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(STACK)
Memory Map of the image
Image Entry point : 0x080000ed
Load Region LR_IROM1 (Base: 0x08000000, Size: 0x00003c1c, Max: 0x00010000, ABSOLUTE, COMPRESSED[0x00003b54])
Execution Region ER_IROM1 (Exec base: 0x08000000, Load base: 0x08000000, Size: 0x00003a88, Max: 0x00010000, ABSOLUTE)
Exec Addr Load Addr Size Type Attr Idx E Section Name Object
0x08000000 0x08000000 0x000000ec Data RO 500 RESET startup_stm32f10x_md.o
0x080000ec 0x080000ec 0x00000000 Code RO 579 * .ARM.Collect$$$$00000000 mc_w.l(entry.o)
0x080000ec 0x080000ec 0x00000004 Code RO 853 .ARM.Collect$$$$00000001 mc_w.l(entry2.o)
0x080000f0 0x080000f0 0x00000004 Code RO 856 .ARM.Collect$$$$00000004 mc_w.l(entry5.o)
0x080000f4 0x080000f4 0x00000000 Code RO 858 .ARM.Collect$$$$00000008 mc_w.l(entry7b.o)
0x080000f4 0x080000f4 0x00000000 Code RO 860 .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000A mc_w.l(entry8b.o)
0x080000f4 0x080000f4 0x00000008 Code RO 861 .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B mc_w.l(entry9a.o)
0x080000fc 0x080000fc 0x00000000 Code RO 863 .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000D mc_w.l(entry10a.o)
0x080000fc 0x080000fc 0x00000000 Code RO 865 .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000F mc_w.l(entry11a.o)
0x080000fc 0x080000fc 0x00000004 Code RO 854 .ARM.Collect$$$$00002712 mc_w.l(entry2.o)
0x08000100 0x08000100 0x00000210 Code RO 1 .text main.o
0x08000310 0x08000310 0x0000001a Code RO 149 .text stm32f10x_it.o
0x0800032a 0x0800032a 0x00000002 PAD
0x0800032c 0x0800032c 0x000001e0 Code RO 247 .text system_stm32f10x.o
0x0800050c 0x0800050c 0x000002ec Code RO 309 .text wifi.o
0x080007f8 0x080007f8 0x00000080 Code RO 349 .text timer.o
0x08000878 0x08000878 0x000005ec Code RO 366 .text oled.o
0x08000e64 0x08000e64 0x000000d8 Code RO 391 .text motor.o
0x08000f3c 0x08000f3c 0x000001b8 Code RO 406 .text encoder.o
0x080010f4 0x080010f4 0x000000dc Code RO 421 .text key.o
0x080011d0 0x080011d0 0x000000d4 Code RO 434 .text delay.o
0x080012a4 0x080012a4 0x0000016c Code RO 465 .text usart.o
0x08001410 0x08001410 0x00000024 Code RO 501 .text startup_stm32f10x_md.o
0x08001434 0x08001434 0x0000035c Code RO 505 .text stm32f10x_gpio.o
0x08001790 0x08001790 0x000003a4 Code RO 517 .text stm32f10x_rcc.o
0x08001b34 0x08001b34 0x00000408 Code RO 531 .text stm32f10x_usart.o
0x08001f3c 0x08001f3c 0x000000dc Code RO 543 .text misc.o
0x08002018 0x08002018 0x00000e1a Code RO 567 .text stm32f10x_tim.o
0x08002e32 0x08002e32 0x00000024 Code RO 582 .text mc_w.l(strstr.o)
0x08002e56 0x08002e56 0x000000b0 Code RO 845 .text mf_w.l(fadd.o)
0x08002f06 0x08002f06 0x00000064 Code RO 847 .text mf_w.l(fmul.o)
0x08002f6a 0x08002f6a 0x00000012 Code RO 849 .text mf_w.l(fflti.o)
0x08002f7c 0x08002f7c 0x00000032 Code RO 851 .text mf_w.l(ffixi.o)
0x08002fae 0x08002fae 0x0000002c Code RO 867 .text mc_w.l(uidiv.o)
0x08002fda 0x08002fda 0x00000000 Code RO 871 .text mc_w.l(iusefp.o)
0x08002fda 0x08002fda 0x0000006e Code RO 872 .text mf_w.l(fepilogue.o)
0x08003048 0x08003048 0x00000024 Code RO 884 .text mc_w.l(init.o)
0x0800306c 0x0800306c 0x0000003a Code RO 902 .text mc_w.l(__dczerorl.o)
0x080030a6 0x080030a6 0x00000002 PAD
0x080030a8 0x080030a8 0x00000028 Code RO 631 i.__0sprintf$1 mc_w.l(printf1.o)
0x080030d0 0x080030d0 0x0000000e Code RO 896 i.__scatterload_copy mc_w.l(handlers.o)
0x080030de 0x080030de 0x00000002 Code RO 897 i.__scatterload_null mc_w.l(handlers.o)
0x080030e0 0x080030e0 0x0000000e Code RO 898 i.__scatterload_zeroinit mc_w.l(handlers.o)
0x080030ee 0x080030ee 0x00000002 PAD
0x080030f0 0x080030f0 0x00000154 Code RO 636 i._printf_core mc_w.l(printf1.o)
0x08003244 0x08003244 0x0000000a Code RO 638 i._sputc mc_w.l(printf1.o)
0x0800324e 0x0800324e 0x00000818 Data RO 367 .constdata oled.o
0x08003a66 0x08003a66 0x00000002 PAD
0x08003a68 0x08003a68 0x00000020 Data RO 894 Region$$Table anon$$obj.o
Execution Region RW_IRAM1 (Exec base: 0x20000000, Load base: 0x08003a88, Size: 0x000006d0, Max: 0x00005000, ABSOLUTE, COMPRESSED[0x000000cc])
Exec Addr Load Addr Size Type Attr Idx E Section Name Object
0x20000000 COMPRESSED 0x0000001c Data RW 3 .data main.o
0x2000001c COMPRESSED 0x00000014 Data RW 248 .data system_stm32f10x.o
0x20000030 COMPRESSED 0x00000001 Data RW 311 .data wifi.o
0x20000031 COMPRESSED 0x00000140 Data RW 368 .data oled.o
0x20000171 COMPRESSED 0x00000001 Data RW 422 .data key.o
0x20000172 COMPRESSED 0x00000004 Data RW 435 .data delay.o
0x20000176 COMPRESSED 0x00000002 PAD
0x20000178 COMPRESSED 0x00000006 Data RW 467 .data usart.o
0x2000017e COMPRESSED 0x00000014 Data RW 518 .data stm32f10x_rcc.o
0x20000192 COMPRESSED 0x00000002 PAD
0x20000194 - 0x0000000c Zero RW 2 .bss main.o
0x200001a0 - 0x00000064 Zero RW 310 .bss wifi.o
0x20000204 - 0x000000c8 Zero RW 466 .bss usart.o
0x200002cc COMPRESSED 0x00000004 PAD
0x200002d0 - 0x00000400 Zero RW 498 STACK startup_stm32f10x_md.o
Image component sizes
Code (inc. data) RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug Object Name
212 18 0 4 0 1003 delay.o
440 16 0 0 0 1515 encoder.o
220 12 0 1 0 800 key.o
0 0 0 0 0 203340 led.o
528 70 0 28 12 238804 main.o
220 22 0 0 0 1761 misc.o
216 12 0 0 0 878 motor.o
1516 22 2072 320 0 6747 oled.o
36 8 236 0 1024 776 startup_stm32f10x_md.o
860 38 0 0 0 5693 stm32f10x_gpio.o
26 0 0 0 0 44594 stm32f10x_it.o
932 36 0 20 0 8852 stm32f10x_rcc.o
3610 88 0 0 0 22800 stm32f10x_tim.o
1032 22 0 0 0 8420 stm32f10x_usart.o
0 0 0 0 0 32 sys.o
480 38 0 20 0 1683 system_stm32f10x.o
128 8 0 0 0 772 timer.o
364 18 0 6 200 3391 usart.o
748 160 0 1 100 3229 wifi.o
11570 588 2342 404 1340 555090 Object Totals
0 0 32 0 0 0 (incl. Generated)
2 0 2 4 4 0 (incl. Padding)
Code (inc. data) RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug Library Member Name
58 0 0 0 0 0 __dczerorl.o
0 0 0 0 0 0 entry.o
0 0 0 0 0 0 entry10a.o
0 0 0 0 0 0 entry11a.o
8 4 0 0 0 0 entry2.o
4 0 0 0 0 0 entry5.o
0 0 0 0 0 0 entry7b.o
0 0 0 0 0 0 entry8b.o
8 4 0 0 0 0 entry9a.o
30 0 0 0 0 0 handlers.o
36 8 0 0 0 68 init.o
0 0 0 0 0 0 iusefp.o
390 10 0 0 0 252 printf1.o
36 0 0 0 0 80 strstr.o
44 0 0 0 0 80 uidiv.o
176 0 0 0 0 140 fadd.o
110 0 0 0 0 168 fepilogue.o
50 0 0 0 0 68 ffixi.o
18 0 0 0 0 68 fflti.o
100 0 0 0 0 76 fmul.o
1072 26 0 0 0 1000 Library Totals
4 0 0 0 0 0 (incl. Padding)
Code (inc. data) RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug Library Name
614 26 0 0 0 480 mc_w.l
454 0 0 0 0 520 mf_w.l
1072 26 0 0 0 1000 Library Totals
Code (inc. data) RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug
12642 614 2342 404 1340 554606 Grand Totals
12642 614 2342 204 1340 554606 ELF Image Totals (compressed)
12642 614 2342 204 0 0 ROM Totals
Total RO Size (Code + RO Data) 14984 ( 14.63kB)
Total RW Size (RW Data + ZI Data) 1744 ( 1.70kB)
Total ROM Size (Code + RO Data + RW Data) 15188 ( 14.83kB)