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Component: ARM Compiler 5.06 update 6 (build 750) Tool: armlink [4d35ed] |
============================================================================== |
Section Cross References |
main.o(.text) refers to printf1.o(i.__0sprintf$1) for __2sprintf |
main.o(.text) refers to oled.o(.text) for OLED_ShowString |
main.o(.text) refers to delay.o(.text) for delay_init |
main.o(.text) refers to misc.o(.text) for NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig |
main.o(.text) refers to usart.o(.text) for uart_init |
main.o(.text) refers to motor.o(.text) for PWM_Init |
main.o(.text) refers to timer.o(.text) for TIM3_Int_Init |
main.o(.text) refers to encoder.o(.text) for Encoder_Init_TIM2 |
main.o(.text) refers to key.o(.text) for KEY_Init |
main.o(.text) refers to fflti.o(.text) for __aeabi_i2f |
main.o(.text) refers to fmul.o(.text) for __aeabi_fmul |
main.o(.text) refers to fadd.o(.text) for __aeabi_fadd |
main.o(.text) refers to ffixi.o(.text) for __aeabi_f2iz |
main.o(.text) refers to main.o(.bss) for userInfo |
main.o(.text) refers to main.o(.data) for velocity_Kd |
system_stm32f10x.o(.text) refers to system_stm32f10x.o(.data) for SystemCoreClock |
led.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd |
led.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) for GPIO_Init |
wifi.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd |
wifi.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) for GPIO_Init |
wifi.o(.text) refers to misc.o(.text) for NVIC_Init |
wifi.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) for USART_Init |
wifi.o(.text) refers to strstr.o(.text) for strstr |
wifi.o(.text) refers to delay.o(.text) for delay_ms |
wifi.o(.text) refers to wifi.o(.bss) for Uart3_Buf |
wifi.o(.text) refers to wifi.o(.data) for First_Int |
adc.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd |
adc.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) for GPIO_Init |
adc.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_adc.o(.text) for ADC_DeInit |
adc.o(.text) refers to delay.o(.text) for delay_ms |
timer.o(.text) refers to fflti.o(.text) for __aeabi_i2f |
timer.o(.text) refers to fmul.o(.text) for __aeabi_fmul |
timer.o(.text) refers to fadd.o(.text) for __aeabi_fadd |
timer.o(.text) refers to ffixi.o(.text) for __aeabi_f2iz |
timer.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd |
timer.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) for TIM_TimeBaseInit |
timer.o(.text) refers to misc.o(.text) for NVIC_Init |
timer.o(.text) refers to encoder.o(.text) for Read_Encoder |
timer.o(.text) refers to timer.o(.data) for Bias |
timer.o(.text) refers to main.o(.bss) for userInfo |
oled.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) for GPIO_SetBits |
oled.o(.text) refers to oled.o(.constdata) for F8X16 |
oled.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd |
oled.o(.text) refers to delay.o(.text) for delay_ms |
oled.o(.text) refers to oled.o(.data) for Hzk |
motor.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd |
motor.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) for GPIO_Init |
motor.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) for TIM_TimeBaseInit |
encoder.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd |
encoder.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) for GPIO_Init |
encoder.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) for TIM_TimeBaseStructInit |
key.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd |
key.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) for GPIO_Init |
key.o(.text) refers to delay.o(.text) for delay_ms |
key.o(.text) refers to key.o(.data) for key_up |
delay.o(.text) refers to misc.o(.text) for SysTick_CLKSourceConfig |
delay.o(.text) refers to system_stm32f10x.o(.data) for SystemCoreClock |
delay.o(.text) refers to delay.o(.data) for fac_us |
usart.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) for USART_GetFlagStatus |
usart.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd |
usart.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) for GPIO_Init |
usart.o(.text) refers to misc.o(.text) for NVIC_Init |
usart.o(.text) refers to usart.o(.data) for USART_RX_STA |
usart.o(.text) refers to usart.o(.bss) for USART_RX_BUF |
startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) refers to startup_stm32f10x_md.o(STACK) for __initial_sp |
startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) refers to startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) for Reset_Handler |
startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) refers to stm32f10x_it.o(.text) for NMI_Handler |
startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) refers to encoder.o(.text) for TIM2_IRQHandler |
startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) refers to timer.o(.text) for TIM3_IRQHandler |
startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) refers to usart.o(.text) for USART1_IRQHandler |
startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) refers to wifi.o(.text) for USART3_IRQHandler |
startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) refers to system_stm32f10x.o(.text) for SystemInit |
startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) refers to entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) for __main |
stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd |
stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.data) for APBAHBPrescTable |
stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd |
stm32f10x_adc.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd |
stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) for RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd |
entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry10a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000D) for __rt_final_cpp |
entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry11a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000F) for __rt_final_exit |
entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry7b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000008) for _main_clock |
entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry8b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000A) for _main_cpp_init |
entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry9a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B) for _main_init |
entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004) for _main_scatterload |
entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000001) for _main_stk |
printfb.o(i.__0fprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printfb.o(i.__0fprintf$bare) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printfb.o(i.__0printf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printfb.o(i.__0printf$bare) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printfb.o(i.__0printf$bare) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printfb.o(i.__0snprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printfb.o(i.__0snprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printfb.o(i.__0sprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printfb.o(i.__0sprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printfb.o(i.__0vfprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printfb.o(i.__0vfprintf$bare) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printfb.o(i.__0vprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printfb.o(i.__0vprintf$bare) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printfb.o(i.__0vprintf$bare) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printfb.o(i.__0vsnprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printfb.o(i.__0vsnprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printfb.o(i.__0vsprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printfb.o(i.__0vsprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printf0.o(i.__0fprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf0.o(i.__0fprintf$0) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf0.o(i.__0printf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf0.o(i.__0printf$0) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf0.o(i.__0printf$0) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printf0.o(i.__0snprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf0.o(i.__0snprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printf0.o(i.__0sprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf0.o(i.__0sprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printf0.o(i.__0vfprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf0.o(i.__0vfprintf$0) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf0.o(i.__0vprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf0.o(i.__0vprintf$0) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf0.o(i.__0vprintf$0) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printf0.o(i.__0vsnprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf0.o(i.__0vsnprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printf0.o(i.__0vsprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf0.o(i.__0vsprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printf1.o(i.__0fprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf1.o(i.__0fprintf$1) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf1.o(i.__0printf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf1.o(i.__0printf$1) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf1.o(i.__0printf$1) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printf1.o(i.__0snprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf1.o(i.__0snprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printf1.o(i.__0sprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf1.o(i.__0sprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printf1.o(i.__0vfprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf1.o(i.__0vfprintf$1) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf1.o(i.__0vprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf1.o(i.__0vprintf$1) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf1.o(i.__0vprintf$1) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printf1.o(i.__0vsnprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf1.o(i.__0vsnprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printf1.o(i.__0vsprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf1.o(i.__0vsprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printf1.o(i._printf_core) refers to uidiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uidivmod |
printf2.o(i.__0fprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf2.o(i.__0fprintf$2) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf2.o(i.__0printf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf2.o(i.__0printf$2) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf2.o(i.__0printf$2) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printf2.o(i.__0snprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf2.o(i.__0snprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printf2.o(i.__0sprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf2.o(i.__0sprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printf2.o(i.__0vfprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf2.o(i.__0vfprintf$2) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf2.o(i.__0vprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf2.o(i.__0vprintf$2) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf2.o(i.__0vprintf$2) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printf2.o(i.__0vsnprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf2.o(i.__0vsnprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printf2.o(i.__0vsprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf2.o(i.__0vsprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printf3.o(i.__0fprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf3.o(i.__0fprintf$3) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf3.o(i.__0printf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf3.o(i.__0printf$3) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf3.o(i.__0printf$3) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printf3.o(i.__0snprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf3.o(i.__0snprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printf3.o(i.__0sprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf3.o(i.__0sprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printf3.o(i.__0vfprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf3.o(i.__0vfprintf$3) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf3.o(i.__0vprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf3.o(i.__0vprintf$3) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf3.o(i.__0vprintf$3) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printf3.o(i.__0vsnprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf3.o(i.__0vsnprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printf3.o(i.__0vsprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf3.o(i.__0vsprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printf3.o(i._printf_core) refers to uidiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uidivmod |
printf4.o(i.__0fprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf4.o(i.__0fprintf$4) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf4.o(i.__0printf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf4.o(i.__0printf$4) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf4.o(i.__0printf$4) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printf4.o(i.__0snprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf4.o(i.__0snprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printf4.o(i.__0sprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf4.o(i.__0sprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printf4.o(i.__0vfprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf4.o(i.__0vfprintf$4) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf4.o(i.__0vprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf4.o(i.__0vprintf$4) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf4.o(i.__0vprintf$4) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printf4.o(i.__0vsnprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf4.o(i.__0vsnprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printf4.o(i.__0vsprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf4.o(i.__0vsprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printf4.o(i._printf_core) refers to uldiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uldivmod |
printf5.o(i.__0fprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf5.o(i.__0fprintf$5) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf5.o(i.__0printf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf5.o(i.__0printf$5) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf5.o(i.__0printf$5) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printf5.o(i.__0snprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf5.o(i.__0snprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printf5.o(i.__0sprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf5.o(i.__0sprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printf5.o(i.__0vfprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf5.o(i.__0vfprintf$5) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf5.o(i.__0vprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf5.o(i.__0vprintf$5) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf5.o(i.__0vprintf$5) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printf5.o(i.__0vsnprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf5.o(i.__0vsnprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printf5.o(i.__0vsprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf5.o(i.__0vsprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printf5.o(i._printf_core) refers to uldiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uldivmod |
printf6.o(i.__0fprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf6.o(i.__0fprintf$6) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf6.o(i.__0printf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf6.o(i.__0printf$6) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf6.o(i.__0printf$6) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printf6.o(i.__0snprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf6.o(i.__0snprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printf6.o(i.__0sprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf6.o(i.__0sprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printf6.o(i.__0vfprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf6.o(i.__0vfprintf$6) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf6.o(i.__0vprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf6.o(i.__0vprintf$6) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf6.o(i.__0vprintf$6) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printf6.o(i.__0vsnprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf6.o(i.__0vsnprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printf6.o(i.__0vsprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf6.o(i.__0vsprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printf6.o(i._printf_core) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_pre_padding) for _printf_pre_padding |
printf6.o(i._printf_core) refers to uidiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uidivmod |
printf6.o(i._printf_core) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_post_padding) for _printf_post_padding |
printf7.o(i.__0fprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf7.o(i.__0fprintf$7) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf7.o(i.__0printf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf7.o(i.__0printf$7) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf7.o(i.__0printf$7) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printf7.o(i.__0snprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf7.o(i.__0snprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printf7.o(i.__0sprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf7.o(i.__0sprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printf7.o(i.__0vfprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf7.o(i.__0vfprintf$7) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf7.o(i.__0vprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf7.o(i.__0vprintf$7) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf7.o(i.__0vprintf$7) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printf7.o(i.__0vsnprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf7.o(i.__0vsnprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printf7.o(i.__0vsprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf7.o(i.__0vsprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printf7.o(i._printf_core) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_pre_padding) for _printf_pre_padding |
printf7.o(i._printf_core) refers to uldiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uldivmod |
printf7.o(i._printf_core) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_post_padding) for _printf_post_padding |
printf8.o(i.__0fprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf8.o(i.__0fprintf$8) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printf8.o(i.__0sprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf8.o(i.__0sprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printf8.o(i.__0vfprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf8.o(i.__0vfprintf$8) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf8.o(i.__0vprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf8.o(i.__0vprintf$8) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printf8.o(i.__0vprintf$8) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printf8.o(i.__0vsnprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf8.o(i.__0vsnprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printf8.o(i.__0vsprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printf8.o(i.__0vsprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printf8.o(i._printf_core) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_pre_padding) for _printf_pre_padding |
printf8.o(i._printf_core) refers to uldiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uldivmod |
printf8.o(i._printf_core) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_post_padding) for _printf_post_padding |
printfa.o(i.__0fprintf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp |
printfa.o(i.__0fprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printfa.o(i.__0fprintf) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printfa.o(i.__0printf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp |
printfa.o(i.__0printf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printfa.o(i.__0printf) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printfa.o(i.__0printf) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printfa.o(i.__0snprintf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp |
printfa.o(i.__0snprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printfa.o(i.__0snprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printfa.o(i.__0sprintf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp |
printfa.o(i.__0sprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printfa.o(i.__0sprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printfa.o(i.__0vfprintf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp |
printfa.o(i.__0vfprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printfa.o(i.__0vfprintf) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printfa.o(i.__0vprintf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp |
printfa.o(i.__0vprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printfa.o(i.__0vprintf) refers to usart.o(.text) for fputc |
printfa.o(i.__0vprintf) refers to usart.o(.data) for __stdout |
printfa.o(i.__0vsnprintf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp |
printfa.o(i.__0vsnprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printfa.o(i.__0vsnprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._snputc) for _snputc |
printfa.o(i.__0vsprintf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp |
printfa.o(i.__0vsprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core |
printfa.o(i.__0vsprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._sputc) for _sputc |
printfa.o(i._fp_digits) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp |
printfa.o(i._fp_digits) refers to dmul.o(.text) for __aeabi_dmul |
printfa.o(i._fp_digits) refers to ddiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_ddiv |
printfa.o(i._fp_digits) refers to cdrcmple.o(.text) for __aeabi_cdrcmple |
printfa.o(i._fp_digits) refers to dadd.o(.text) for __aeabi_dadd |
printfa.o(i._fp_digits) refers to dfixul.o(.text) for __aeabi_d2ulz |
printfa.o(i._fp_digits) refers to uldiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uldivmod |
printfa.o(i._printf_core) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp |
printfa.o(i._printf_core) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_pre_padding) for _printf_pre_padding |
printfa.o(i._printf_core) refers to uldiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uldivmod |
printfa.o(i._printf_core) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_post_padding) for _printf_post_padding |
printfa.o(i._printf_core) refers to printfa.o(i._fp_digits) for _fp_digits |
printfa.o(i._printf_core) refers to uidiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uidivmod |
printfa.o(i._printf_post_padding) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp |
printfa.o(i._printf_pre_padding) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp |
printfa.o(i._snputc) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp |
printfa.o(i._sputc) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp |
fadd.o(.text) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp |
fadd.o(.text) refers to fepilogue.o(.text) for _float_epilogue |
fmul.o(.text) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp |
fflti.o(.text) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp |
fflti.o(.text) refers to fepilogue.o(.text) for _float_epilogue |
ffixi.o(.text) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp |
entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000001) refers to entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00002712) for __lit__00000000 |
entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00002712) refers to startup_stm32f10x_md.o(STACK) for __initial_sp |
entry2.o(__vectab_stack_and_reset_area) refers to startup_stm32f10x_md.o(STACK) for __initial_sp |
entry2.o(__vectab_stack_and_reset_area) refers to entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) for __main |
entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004) refers to init.o(.text) for __scatterload |
entry9a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B) refers to main.o(.text) for main |
entry9b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000C) refers to main.o(.text) for main |
uldiv.o(.text) refers to llushr.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsr |
uldiv.o(.text) refers to llshl.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsl |
dadd.o(.text) refers to llshl.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsl |
dadd.o(.text) refers to llsshr.o(.text) for __aeabi_lasr |
dadd.o(.text) refers to depilogue.o(.text) for _double_epilogue |
dmul.o(.text) refers to depilogue.o(.text) for _double_epilogue |
ddiv.o(.text) refers to depilogue.o(.text) for _double_round |
dfixul.o(.text) refers to llushr.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsr |
dfixul.o(.text) refers to llshl.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsl |
init.o(.text) refers to entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004) for __main_after_scatterload |
depilogue.o(.text) refers to llshl.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsl |
depilogue.o(.text) refers to llushr.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsr |
============================================================================== |
Removing Unused input sections from the image. |
Removing led.o(.text), (120 bytes). |
Removing adc.o(.text), (232 bytes). |
Removing sys.o(.emb_text), (6 bytes). |
Removing sys.o(.text), (12 bytes). |
Removing core_cm3.o(.emb_text), (32 bytes). |
Removing startup_stm32f10x_md.o(HEAP), (512 bytes). |
Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(.text), (1102 bytes). |
Removing dadd.o(.text), (334 bytes). |
Removing dmul.o(.text), (228 bytes). |
Removing ddiv.o(.text), (222 bytes). |
Removing dfixul.o(.text), (48 bytes). |
Removing cdrcmple.o(.text), (48 bytes). |
Removing depilogue.o(.text), (186 bytes). |
13 unused section(s) (total 3082 bytes) removed from the image. |
============================================================================== |
Image Symbol Table |
Local Symbols |
Symbol Name Value Ov Type Size Object(Section) |
../clib/../cmprslib/zerorunl.c 0x00000000 Number 0 __dczerorl.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/division.c 0x00000000 Number 0 uldiv.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/division.c 0x00000000 Number 0 uidiv.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry9b.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry8b.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry2.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry5.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry9a.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry7a.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry11b.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry11a.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry10b.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry7b.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry10a.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry8a.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/longlong.c 0x00000000 Number 0 llsshr.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/longlong.c 0x00000000 Number 0 llushr.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/longlong.c 0x00000000 Number 0 llshl.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf7.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf1.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf0.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printfb.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf5.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf4.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf3.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf2.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf6.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printfa.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf8.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/printf/stubs.s 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/string/strstr.c 0x00000000 Number 0 strstr.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/stubs.s 0x00000000 Number 0 iusefp.o ABSOLUTE |
../clib/microlib/stubs.s 0x00000000 Number 0 useno.o ABSOLUTE |
../fplib/microlib/fpadd.c 0x00000000 Number 0 fadd.o ABSOLUTE |
../fplib/microlib/fpadd.c 0x00000000 Number 0 dadd.o ABSOLUTE |
../fplib/microlib/fpdiv.c 0x00000000 Number 0 ddiv.o ABSOLUTE |
../fplib/microlib/fpepilogue.c 0x00000000 Number 0 depilogue.o ABSOLUTE |
../fplib/microlib/fpepilogue.c 0x00000000 Number 0 fepilogue.o ABSOLUTE |
../fplib/microlib/fpfix.c 0x00000000 Number 0 dfixul.o ABSOLUTE |
../fplib/microlib/fpfix.c 0x00000000 Number 0 ffixi.o ABSOLUTE |
../fplib/microlib/fpflt.c 0x00000000 Number 0 fflti.o ABSOLUTE |
../fplib/microlib/fpmul.c 0x00000000 Number 0 dmul.o ABSOLUTE |
../fplib/microlib/fpmul.c 0x00000000 Number 0 fmul.o ABSOLUTE |
..\CORE\core_cm3.c 0x00000000 Number 0 core_cm3.o ABSOLUTE |
..\CORE\startup_stm32f10x_md.s 0x00000000 Number 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o ABSOLUTE |
..\HARDWARE\ADC\adc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 adc.o ABSOLUTE |
..\HARDWARE\ENCODER\encoder.c 0x00000000 Number 0 encoder.o ABSOLUTE |
..\HARDWARE\ESP8266\wifi.c 0x00000000 Number 0 wifi.o ABSOLUTE |
..\HARDWARE\KEY\key.c 0x00000000 Number 0 key.o ABSOLUTE |
..\HARDWARE\LED\led.c 0x00000000 Number 0 led.o ABSOLUTE |
..\HARDWARE\MOTOR\motor.c 0x00000000 Number 0 motor.o ABSOLUTE |
..\HARDWARE\OLED\oled.c 0x00000000 Number 0 oled.o ABSOLUTE |
..\HARDWARE\TIMER\timer.c 0x00000000 Number 0 timer.o ABSOLUTE |
..\STM32F10x_FWLib\src\misc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 misc.o ABSOLUTE |
..\STM32F10x_FWLib\src\stm32f10x_adc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_adc.o ABSOLUTE |
..\STM32F10x_FWLib\src\stm32f10x_gpio.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_gpio.o ABSOLUTE |
..\STM32F10x_FWLib\src\stm32f10x_rcc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_rcc.o ABSOLUTE |
..\STM32F10x_FWLib\src\stm32f10x_tim.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_tim.o ABSOLUTE |
..\STM32F10x_FWLib\src\stm32f10x_usart.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_usart.o ABSOLUTE |
..\SYSTEM\delay\delay.c 0x00000000 Number 0 delay.o ABSOLUTE |
..\SYSTEM\sys\sys.c 0x00000000 Number 0 sys.o ABSOLUTE |
..\SYSTEM\usart\usart.c 0x00000000 Number 0 usart.o ABSOLUTE |
..\\CORE\\core_cm3.c 0x00000000 Number 0 core_cm3.o ABSOLUTE |
..\\SYSTEM\\sys\\sys.c 0x00000000 Number 0 sys.o ABSOLUTE |
cdrcmple.s 0x00000000 Number 0 cdrcmple.o ABSOLUTE |
dc.s 0x00000000 Number 0 dc.o ABSOLUTE |
handlers.s 0x00000000 Number 0 handlers.o ABSOLUTE |
init.s 0x00000000 Number 0 init.o ABSOLUTE |
main.c 0x00000000 Number 0 main.o ABSOLUTE |
stm32f10x_it.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_it.o ABSOLUTE |
system_stm32f10x.c 0x00000000 Number 0 system_stm32f10x.o ABSOLUTE |
RESET 0x08000000 Section 236 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) |
.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000 0x080000ec Section 0 entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) |
.ARM.Collect$$$$00000001 0x080000ec Section 4 entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000001) |
.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004 0x080000f0 Section 4 entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004) |
.ARM.Collect$$$$00000008 0x080000f4 Section 0 entry7b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000008) |
.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000A 0x080000f4 Section 0 entry8b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000A) |
.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B 0x080000f4 Section 8 entry9a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B) |
.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000D 0x080000fc Section 0 entry10a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000D) |
.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000F 0x080000fc Section 0 entry11a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000F) |
.ARM.Collect$$$$00002712 0x080000fc Section 4 entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00002712) |
__lit__00000000 0x080000fc Data 4 entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00002712) |
.text 0x08000100 Section 0 main.o(.text) |
.text 0x08000228 Section 0 stm32f10x_it.o(.text) |
.text 0x08000244 Section 0 system_stm32f10x.o(.text) |
SetSysClockTo72 0x08000245 Thumb Code 214 system_stm32f10x.o(.text) |
SetSysClock 0x0800031b Thumb Code 8 system_stm32f10x.o(.text) |
.text 0x08000424 Section 0 wifi.o(.text) |
.text 0x08000710 Section 0 timer.o(.text) |
.text 0x08000888 Section 0 oled.o(.text) |
.text 0x08000e74 Section 0 motor.o(.text) |
.text 0x08000f4c Section 0 encoder.o(.text) |
.text 0x08001104 Section 0 key.o(.text) |
.text 0x080011e0 Section 0 delay.o(.text) |
.text 0x080012b4 Section 0 usart.o(.text) |
.text 0x08001420 Section 36 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
.text 0x08001444 Section 0 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) |
.text 0x080017a0 Section 0 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
.text 0x08001b44 Section 0 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
.text 0x08001f4c Section 0 misc.o(.text) |
.text 0x08002028 Section 0 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TI4_Config 0x080024cf Thumb Code 130 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TI3_Config 0x08002563 Thumb Code 122 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TI2_Config 0x080025f7 Thumb Code 130 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TI1_Config 0x0800268b Thumb Code 108 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
.text 0x08002e42 Section 0 strstr.o(.text) |
.text 0x08002e66 Section 0 fadd.o(.text) |
.text 0x08002f16 Section 0 fmul.o(.text) |
.text 0x08002f7a Section 0 fflti.o(.text) |
.text 0x08002f8c Section 0 ffixi.o(.text) |
.text 0x08002fbe Section 0 uidiv.o(.text) |
.text 0x08002fea Section 0 iusefp.o(.text) |
.text 0x08002fea Section 0 fepilogue.o(.text) |
.text 0x08003058 Section 36 init.o(.text) |
.text 0x0800307c Section 0 __dczerorl.o(.text) |
i.__0sprintf$1 0x080030b8 Section 0 printf1.o(i.__0sprintf$1) |
i.__scatterload_copy 0x080030e0 Section 14 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_copy) |
i.__scatterload_null 0x080030ee Section 2 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_null) |
i.__scatterload_zeroinit 0x080030f0 Section 14 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_zeroinit) |
i._printf_core 0x08003100 Section 0 printf1.o(i._printf_core) |
_printf_core 0x08003101 Thumb Code 336 printf1.o(i._printf_core) |
i._sputc 0x08003254 Section 0 printf1.o(i._sputc) |
_sputc 0x08003255 Thumb Code 10 printf1.o(i._sputc) |
.constdata 0x0800325e Section 2072 oled.o(.constdata) |
.data 0x20000000 Section 8 main.o(.data) |
velocity_Kp 0x20000000 Data 4 main.o(.data) |
velocity_Kd 0x20000004 Data 4 main.o(.data) |
.data 0x20000008 Section 20 system_stm32f10x.o(.data) |
.data 0x2000001c Section 1 wifi.o(.data) |
.data 0x20000020 Section 20 timer.o(.data) |
Bias 0x20000028 Data 4 timer.o(.data) |
Pwm 0x2000002c Data 4 timer.o(.data) |
Last_bias 0x20000030 Data 4 timer.o(.data) |
.data 0x20000034 Section 320 oled.o(.data) |
.data 0x20000174 Section 1 key.o(.data) |
key_up 0x20000174 Data 1 key.o(.data) |
.data 0x20000176 Section 4 delay.o(.data) |
fac_us 0x20000176 Data 1 delay.o(.data) |
fac_ms 0x20000178 Data 2 delay.o(.data) |
.data 0x2000017c Section 6 usart.o(.data) |
.data 0x20000182 Section 20 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.data) |
APBAHBPrescTable 0x20000182 Data 16 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.data) |
ADCPrescTable 0x20000192 Data 4 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.data) |
.bss 0x20000198 Section 12 main.o(.bss) |
.bss 0x200001a4 Section 100 wifi.o(.bss) |
.bss 0x20000208 Section 200 usart.o(.bss) |
STACK 0x200002d0 Section 1024 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(STACK) |
Global Symbols |
Symbol Name Value Ov Type Size Object(Section) |
BuildAttributes$$THM_ISAv4$P$D$K$B$S$PE$A:L22UL41UL21$X:L11$S22US41US21$IEEE1$IW$USESV6$~STKCKD$USESV7$~SHL$OTIME$ROPI$EBA8$MICROLIB$REQ8$PRES8$EABIv2 0x00000000 Number 0 anon$$obj.o ABSOLUTE |
__ARM_use_no_argv 0x00000000 Number 0 main.o ABSOLUTE |
__use_no_errno 0x00000000 Number 0 useno.o ABSOLUTE |
__use_no_exception_handling 0x00000000 Number 0 useno.o ABSOLUTE |
__use_no_fp 0x00000000 Number 0 useno.o ABSOLUTE |
__use_no_heap 0x00000000 Number 0 useno.o ABSOLUTE |
__use_no_heap_region 0x00000000 Number 0 useno.o ABSOLUTE |
__use_no_semihosting 0x00000000 Number 0 useno.o ABSOLUTE |
__use_no_semihosting_swi 0x00000000 Number 0 useno.o ABSOLUTE |
__use_no_signal_handling 0x00000000 Number 0 useno.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_a 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_c 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_charcount 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_d 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_e 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_f 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_flags 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_fp_dec 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_fp_hex 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_g 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_i 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_int_dec 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_l 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_lc 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_ll 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_lld 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_lli 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_llo 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_llu 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_llx 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_longlong_dec 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_longlong_hex 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_longlong_oct 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_ls 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_mbtowc 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_n 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_o 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_p 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_percent 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_pre_padding 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_return_value 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_s 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_sizespec 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_str 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_truncate_signed 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_truncate_unsigned 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_u 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_wc 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_wctomb 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_widthprec 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
_printf_x 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE |
__cpp_initialize__aeabi_ - Undefined Weak Reference |
__cxa_finalize - Undefined Weak Reference |
_clock_init - Undefined Weak Reference |
_microlib_exit - Undefined Weak Reference |
__Vectors_Size 0x000000ec Number 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o ABSOLUTE |
__Vectors 0x08000000 Data 4 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) |
__Vectors_End 0x080000ec Data 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) |
__main 0x080000ed Thumb Code 0 entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) |
_main_stk 0x080000ed Thumb Code 0 entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000001) |
_main_scatterload 0x080000f1 Thumb Code 0 entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004) |
__main_after_scatterload 0x080000f5 Thumb Code 0 entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004) |
_main_clock 0x080000f5 Thumb Code 0 entry7b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000008) |
_main_cpp_init 0x080000f5 Thumb Code 0 entry8b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000A) |
_main_init 0x080000f5 Thumb Code 0 entry9a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B) |
__rt_final_cpp 0x080000fd Thumb Code 0 entry10a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000D) |
__rt_final_exit 0x080000fd Thumb Code 0 entry11a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000F) |
OLED_Display 0x08000101 Thumb Code 46 main.o(.text) |
processingTasks 0x0800012f Thumb Code 40 main.o(.text) |
Sys_Init 0x08000157 Thumb Code 68 main.o(.text) |
main 0x0800019b Thumb Code 30 main.o(.text) |
velocity_PID 0x080001b9 Thumb Code 72 main.o(.text) |
NMI_Handler 0x08000229 Thumb Code 2 stm32f10x_it.o(.text) |
HardFault_Handler 0x0800022b Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_it.o(.text) |
MemManage_Handler 0x0800022f Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_it.o(.text) |
BusFault_Handler 0x08000233 Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_it.o(.text) |
UsageFault_Handler 0x08000237 Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_it.o(.text) |
SVC_Handler 0x0800023b Thumb Code 2 stm32f10x_it.o(.text) |
DebugMon_Handler 0x0800023d Thumb Code 2 stm32f10x_it.o(.text) |
PendSV_Handler 0x0800023f Thumb Code 2 stm32f10x_it.o(.text) |
SysTick_Handler 0x08000241 Thumb Code 2 stm32f10x_it.o(.text) |
SystemInit 0x08000323 Thumb Code 78 system_stm32f10x.o(.text) |
SystemCoreClockUpdate 0x08000371 Thumb Code 142 system_stm32f10x.o(.text) |
USART3_init 0x08000425 Thumb Code 160 wifi.o(.text) |
USART3_IRQHandler 0x080004c5 Thumb Code 44 wifi.o(.text) |
CLR_Buf 0x080004f1 Thumb Code 26 wifi.o(.text) |
UART3_SendString 0x0800050b Thumb Code 38 wifi.o(.text) |
UART3_Send_Command 0x08000531 Thumb Code 22 wifi.o(.text) |
Find 0x08000547 Thumb Code 22 wifi.o(.text) |
UART3_Send_AT_Command 0x0800055d Thumb Code 54 wifi.o(.text) |
ESP8266_wifi_Init 0x08000593 Thumb Code 186 wifi.o(.text) |
ESP8266_send_data 0x0800064d Thumb Code 36 wifi.o(.text) |
Set_Pwm 0x08000711 Thumb Code 50 timer.o(.text) |
Incremental_PI_B_Mode2 0x08000743 Thumb Code 146 timer.o(.text) |
TIM3_Int_Init 0x080007d5 Thumb Code 88 timer.o(.text) |
TIM3_IRQHandler 0x0800082d Thumb Code 48 timer.o(.text) |
IIC_Start 0x08000889 Thumb Code 44 oled.o(.text) |
IIC_Stop 0x080008b5 Thumb Code 34 oled.o(.text) |
IIC_Wait_Ack 0x080008d7 Thumb Code 24 oled.o(.text) |
Write_IIC_Byte 0x080008ef Thumb Code 88 oled.o(.text) |
Write_IIC_Command 0x08000947 Thumb Code 44 oled.o(.text) |
Write_IIC_Data 0x08000973 Thumb Code 44 oled.o(.text) |
OLED_WR_Byte 0x0800099f Thumb Code 24 oled.o(.text) |
fill_picture 0x080009b7 Thumb Code 64 oled.o(.text) |
Delay_50ms 0x080009f7 Thumb Code 22 oled.o(.text) |
Delay_1ms 0x08000a0d Thumb Code 26 oled.o(.text) |
OLED_Set_Pos 0x08000a27 Thumb Code 40 oled.o(.text) |
OLED_Display_On 0x08000a4f Thumb Code 28 oled.o(.text) |
OLED_Display_Off 0x08000a6b Thumb Code 28 oled.o(.text) |
OLED_Clear 0x08000a87 Thumb Code 62 oled.o(.text) |
OLED_On 0x08000ac5 Thumb Code 62 oled.o(.text) |
OLED_ShowChar 0x08000b03 Thumb Code 154 oled.o(.text) |
oled_pow 0x08000b9d Thumb Code 22 oled.o(.text) |
OLED_ShowNum 0x08000bb3 Thumb Code 136 oled.o(.text) |
OLED_ShowString 0x08000c3b Thumb Code 70 oled.o(.text) |
OLED_ShowCHinese 0x08000c81 Thumb Code 98 oled.o(.text) |
OLED_DrawBMP 0x08000ce3 Thumb Code 118 oled.o(.text) |
OLED_Init 0x08000d59 Thumb Code 274 oled.o(.text) |
Motor_Init 0x08000e75 Thumb Code 40 motor.o(.text) |
PWM_Init 0x08000e9d Thumb Code 164 motor.o(.text) |
Encoder_Init_TIM2 0x08000f4d Thumb Code 154 encoder.o(.text) |
Encoder_Init_TIM4 0x08000fe7 Thumb Code 148 encoder.o(.text) |
Read_Encoder 0x0800107b Thumb Code 74 encoder.o(.text) |
TIM4_IRQHandler 0x080010c5 Thumb Code 24 encoder.o(.text) |
TIM2_IRQHandler 0x080010dd Thumb Code 24 encoder.o(.text) |
KEY_Init 0x08001105 Thumb Code 54 key.o(.text) |
KEY_Scan 0x0800113b Thumb Code 154 key.o(.text) |
delay_init 0x080011e1 Thumb Code 50 delay.o(.text) |
delay_us 0x08001213 Thumb Code 72 delay.o(.text) |
delay_ms 0x0800125b Thumb Code 72 delay.o(.text) |
_sys_exit 0x080012b5 Thumb Code 6 usart.o(.text) |
fputc 0x080012bb Thumb Code 24 usart.o(.text) |
UART1_SendString 0x080012d3 Thumb Code 42 usart.o(.text) |
uart_init 0x080012fd Thumb Code 152 usart.o(.text) |
USART1_IRQHandler 0x08001395 Thumb Code 122 usart.o(.text) |
Reset_Handler 0x08001421 Thumb Code 8 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
ADC1_2_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
CAN1_RX1_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
CAN1_SCE_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
DMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
EXTI0_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
EXTI15_10_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
EXTI1_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
EXTI2_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
EXTI3_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
EXTI4_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
EXTI9_5_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
FLASH_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
I2C1_ER_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
I2C1_EV_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
I2C2_ER_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
I2C2_EV_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
PVD_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
RCC_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
RTCAlarm_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
RTC_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
SPI1_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
SPI2_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
TAMPER_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
TIM1_CC_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
TIM1_UP_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
USART2_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
USBWakeUp_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
USB_HP_CAN1_TX_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
USB_LP_CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
WWDG_IRQHandler 0x0800143b Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) |
GPIO_DeInit 0x08001445 Thumb Code 172 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) |
GPIO_AFIODeInit 0x080014f1 Thumb Code 20 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) |
GPIO_Init 0x08001505 Thumb Code 278 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) |
GPIO_StructInit 0x0800161b Thumb Code 16 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) |
GPIO_ReadInputDataBit 0x0800162b Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) |
GPIO_ReadInputData 0x0800163d Thumb Code 8 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) |
GPIO_ReadOutputDataBit 0x08001645 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) |
GPIO_ReadOutputData 0x08001657 Thumb Code 8 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) |
GPIO_SetBits 0x0800165f Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) |
GPIO_ResetBits 0x08001663 Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) |
GPIO_WriteBit 0x08001667 Thumb Code 10 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) |
GPIO_Write 0x08001671 Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) |
GPIO_PinLockConfig 0x08001675 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) |
GPIO_EventOutputConfig 0x08001687 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) |
GPIO_EventOutputCmd 0x080016a1 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) |
GPIO_PinRemapConfig 0x080016a7 Thumb Code 138 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) |
GPIO_EXTILineConfig 0x08001731 Thumb Code 66 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) |
GPIO_ETH_MediaInterfaceConfig 0x08001773 Thumb Code 8 stm32f10x_gpio.o(.text) |
RCC_DeInit 0x080017a1 Thumb Code 64 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_HSEConfig 0x080017e1 Thumb Code 70 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_GetFlagStatus 0x08001827 Thumb Code 56 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_WaitForHSEStartUp 0x0800185f Thumb Code 56 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_AdjustHSICalibrationValue 0x08001897 Thumb Code 20 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_HSICmd 0x080018ab Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_PLLConfig 0x080018b1 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_PLLCmd 0x080018c9 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_SYSCLKConfig 0x080018cf Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_GetSYSCLKSource 0x080018e1 Thumb Code 10 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_HCLKConfig 0x080018eb Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_PCLK1Config 0x080018fd Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_PCLK2Config 0x0800190f Thumb Code 20 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_ITConfig 0x08001923 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_USBCLKConfig 0x0800193d Thumb Code 8 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_ADCCLKConfig 0x08001945 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_LSEConfig 0x08001957 Thumb Code 50 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_LSICmd 0x08001989 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_RTCCLKConfig 0x0800198f Thumb Code 12 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_RTCCLKCmd 0x0800199b Thumb Code 8 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_GetClocksFreq 0x080019a3 Thumb Code 192 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd 0x08001a63 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd 0x08001a7d Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd 0x08001a97 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd 0x08001ab1 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd 0x08001acb Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_BackupResetCmd 0x08001ae5 Thumb Code 8 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_ClockSecuritySystemCmd 0x08001aed Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_MCOConfig 0x08001af3 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_ClearFlag 0x08001af9 Thumb Code 14 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_GetITStatus 0x08001b07 Thumb Code 20 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
RCC_ClearITPendingBit 0x08001b1b Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.text) |
USART_DeInit 0x08001b45 Thumb Code 134 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_Init 0x08001bcb Thumb Code 210 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_StructInit 0x08001c9d Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_ClockInit 0x08001cb5 Thumb Code 34 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_ClockStructInit 0x08001cd7 Thumb Code 12 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_Cmd 0x08001ce3 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_ITConfig 0x08001cfb Thumb Code 74 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_DMACmd 0x08001d45 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_SetAddress 0x08001d57 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_WakeUpConfig 0x08001d69 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_ReceiverWakeUpCmd 0x08001d7b Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_LINBreakDetectLengthConfig 0x08001d93 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_LINCmd 0x08001da5 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_SendData 0x08001dbd Thumb Code 8 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_ReceiveData 0x08001dc5 Thumb Code 10 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_SendBreak 0x08001dcf Thumb Code 10 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_SetGuardTime 0x08001dd9 Thumb Code 16 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_SetPrescaler 0x08001de9 Thumb Code 16 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_SmartCardCmd 0x08001df9 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_SmartCardNACKCmd 0x08001e11 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_HalfDuplexCmd 0x08001e29 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_OverSampling8Cmd 0x08001e41 Thumb Code 22 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_OneBitMethodCmd 0x08001e57 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_IrDAConfig 0x08001e6f Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_IrDACmd 0x08001e81 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_GetFlagStatus 0x08001e99 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_ClearFlag 0x08001eb3 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_GetITStatus 0x08001ec5 Thumb Code 84 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
USART_ClearITPendingBit 0x08001f19 Thumb Code 52 stm32f10x_usart.o(.text) |
NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig 0x08001f4d Thumb Code 10 misc.o(.text) |
NVIC_Init 0x08001f57 Thumb Code 100 misc.o(.text) |
NVIC_SetVectorTable 0x08001fbb Thumb Code 14 misc.o(.text) |
NVIC_SystemLPConfig 0x08001fc9 Thumb Code 34 misc.o(.text) |
SysTick_CLKSourceConfig 0x08001feb Thumb Code 40 misc.o(.text) |
TIM_DeInit 0x08002029 Thumb Code 424 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_TimeBaseInit 0x080021d1 Thumb Code 122 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_OC1Init 0x0800224b Thumb Code 132 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_OC2Init 0x080022cf Thumb Code 154 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_OC3Init 0x08002369 Thumb Code 150 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_OC4Init 0x080023ff Thumb Code 182 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_SetIC4Prescaler 0x080024b5 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_SetIC3Prescaler 0x08002551 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_SetIC2Prescaler 0x080025dd Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_SetIC1Prescaler 0x08002679 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_ICInit 0x080026f7 Thumb Code 150 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_PWMIConfig 0x0800278d Thumb Code 124 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_BDTRConfig 0x08002809 Thumb Code 32 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_TimeBaseStructInit 0x08002829 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_OCStructInit 0x0800283b Thumb Code 20 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_ICStructInit 0x0800284f Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_BDTRStructInit 0x08002861 Thumb Code 40 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_Cmd 0x08002889 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_CtrlPWMOutputs 0x080028a1 Thumb Code 30 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_ITConfig 0x080028bf Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_GenerateEvent 0x080028d1 Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_DMAConfig 0x080028d5 Thumb Code 10 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_DMACmd 0x080028df Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_InternalClockConfig 0x080028f1 Thumb Code 12 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_SelectInputTrigger 0x080028fd Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_ITRxExternalClockConfig 0x0800290f Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_TIxExternalClockConfig 0x08002927 Thumb Code 62 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_ETRConfig 0x08002965 Thumb Code 28 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_ETRClockMode1Config 0x08002981 Thumb Code 54 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_ETRClockMode2Config 0x080029b7 Thumb Code 32 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_PrescalerConfig 0x080029d7 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_CounterModeConfig 0x080029dd Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_EncoderInterfaceConfig 0x080029ef Thumb Code 66 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_ForcedOC1Config 0x08002a31 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_ForcedOC2Config 0x08002a43 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_ForcedOC3Config 0x08002a5d Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_ForcedOC4Config 0x08002a6f Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_ARRPreloadConfig 0x08002a89 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_SelectCOM 0x08002aa1 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_SelectCCDMA 0x08002ab9 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_CCPreloadControl 0x08002ad1 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_OC1PreloadConfig 0x08002ae9 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_OC2PreloadConfig 0x08002afb Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_OC3PreloadConfig 0x08002b15 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_OC4PreloadConfig 0x08002b27 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_OC1FastConfig 0x08002b41 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_OC2FastConfig 0x08002b53 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_OC3FastConfig 0x08002b6d Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_OC4FastConfig 0x08002b7f Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_ClearOC1Ref 0x08002b99 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_ClearOC2Ref 0x08002bab Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_ClearOC3Ref 0x08002bc3 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_ClearOC4Ref 0x08002bd5 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_OC1PolarityConfig 0x08002bed Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_OC1NPolarityConfig 0x08002bff Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_OC2PolarityConfig 0x08002c11 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_OC2NPolarityConfig 0x08002c2b Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_OC3PolarityConfig 0x08002c45 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_OC3NPolarityConfig 0x08002c5f Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_OC4PolarityConfig 0x08002c79 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_CCxCmd 0x08002c93 Thumb Code 30 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_CCxNCmd 0x08002cb1 Thumb Code 30 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_SelectOCxM 0x08002ccf Thumb Code 82 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_UpdateDisableConfig 0x08002d21 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_UpdateRequestConfig 0x08002d39 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_SelectHallSensor 0x08002d51 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_SelectOnePulseMode 0x08002d69 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_SelectOutputTrigger 0x08002d7b Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_SelectSlaveMode 0x08002d8d Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_SelectMasterSlaveMode 0x08002d9f Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_SetCounter 0x08002db1 Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_SetAutoreload 0x08002db5 Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_SetCompare1 0x08002db9 Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_SetCompare2 0x08002dbd Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_SetCompare3 0x08002dc1 Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_SetCompare4 0x08002dc5 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_SetClockDivision 0x08002dcb Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_GetCapture1 0x08002ddd Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_GetCapture2 0x08002de3 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_GetCapture3 0x08002de9 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_GetCapture4 0x08002def Thumb Code 8 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_GetCounter 0x08002df7 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_GetPrescaler 0x08002dfd Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_GetFlagStatus 0x08002e03 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_ClearFlag 0x08002e15 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_GetITStatus 0x08002e1b Thumb Code 34 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
TIM_ClearITPendingBit 0x08002e3d Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_tim.o(.text) |
strstr 0x08002e43 Thumb Code 36 strstr.o(.text) |
__aeabi_fadd 0x08002e67 Thumb Code 164 fadd.o(.text) |
__aeabi_fsub 0x08002f0b Thumb Code 6 fadd.o(.text) |
__aeabi_frsub 0x08002f11 Thumb Code 6 fadd.o(.text) |
__aeabi_fmul 0x08002f17 Thumb Code 100 fmul.o(.text) |
__aeabi_i2f 0x08002f7b Thumb Code 18 fflti.o(.text) |
__aeabi_f2iz 0x08002f8d Thumb Code 50 ffixi.o(.text) |
__aeabi_uidiv 0x08002fbf Thumb Code 0 uidiv.o(.text) |
__aeabi_uidivmod 0x08002fbf Thumb Code 44 uidiv.o(.text) |
__I$use$fp 0x08002feb Thumb Code 0 iusefp.o(.text) |
_float_round 0x08002feb Thumb Code 18 fepilogue.o(.text) |
_float_epilogue 0x08002ffd Thumb Code 92 fepilogue.o(.text) |
__scatterload 0x08003059 Thumb Code 28 init.o(.text) |
__scatterload_rt2 0x08003059 Thumb Code 0 init.o(.text) |
__decompress 0x0800307d Thumb Code 0 __dczerorl.o(.text) |
__decompress0 0x0800307d Thumb Code 58 __dczerorl.o(.text) |
__0sprintf$1 0x080030b9 Thumb Code 34 printf1.o(i.__0sprintf$1) |
__1sprintf$1 0x080030b9 Thumb Code 0 printf1.o(i.__0sprintf$1) |
__2sprintf 0x080030b9 Thumb Code 0 printf1.o(i.__0sprintf$1) |
__scatterload_copy 0x080030e1 Thumb Code 14 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_copy) |
__scatterload_null 0x080030ef Thumb Code 2 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_null) |
__scatterload_zeroinit 0x080030f1 Thumb Code 14 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_zeroinit) |
F6x8 0x0800325e Data 552 oled.o(.constdata) |
F8X16 0x08003486 Data 1520 oled.o(.constdata) |
Region$$Table$$Base 0x08003a78 Number 0 anon$$obj.o(Region$$Table) |
Region$$Table$$Limit 0x08003a98 Number 0 anon$$obj.o(Region$$Table) |
SystemCoreClock 0x20000008 Data 4 system_stm32f10x.o(.data) |
AHBPrescTable 0x2000000c Data 16 system_stm32f10x.o(.data) |
First_Int 0x2000001c Data 1 wifi.o(.data) |
Velocity_KP_Mode2 0x20000020 Data 4 timer.o(.data) |
Velocity_KI_Mode2 0x20000024 Data 4 timer.o(.data) |
Hzk 0x20000034 Data 320 oled.o(.data) |
__stdout 0x2000017c Data 4 usart.o(.data) |
USART_RX_STA 0x20000180 Data 2 usart.o(.data) |
userInfo 0x20000198 Data 12 main.o(.bss) |
Uart3_Buf 0x200001a4 Data 100 wifi.o(.bss) |
USART_RX_BUF 0x20000208 Data 200 usart.o(.bss) |
__initial_sp 0x200006d0 Data 0 startup_stm32f10x_md.o(STACK) |
============================================================================== |
Memory Map of the image |
Image Entry point : 0x080000ed |
Load Region LR_IROM1 (Base: 0x08000000, Size: 0x00003c30, Max: 0x00010000, ABSOLUTE, COMPRESSED[0x00003b64]) |
Execution Region ER_IROM1 (Exec base: 0x08000000, Load base: 0x08000000, Size: 0x00003a98, Max: 0x00010000, ABSOLUTE) |
Exec Addr Load Addr Size Type Attr Idx E Section Name Object |
0x08000000 0x08000000 0x000000ec Data RO 396 RESET startup_stm32f10x_md.o |
0x080000ec 0x080000ec 0x00000000 Code RO 475 * .ARM.Collect$$$$00000000 mc_w.l(entry.o) |
0x080000ec 0x080000ec 0x00000004 Code RO 749 .ARM.Collect$$$$00000001 mc_w.l(entry2.o) |
0x080000f0 0x080000f0 0x00000004 Code RO 752 .ARM.Collect$$$$00000004 mc_w.l(entry5.o) |
0x080000f4 0x080000f4 0x00000000 Code RO 754 .ARM.Collect$$$$00000008 mc_w.l(entry7b.o) |
0x080000f4 0x080000f4 0x00000000 Code RO 756 .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000A mc_w.l(entry8b.o) |
0x080000f4 0x080000f4 0x00000008 Code RO 757 .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B mc_w.l(entry9a.o) |
0x080000fc 0x080000fc 0x00000000 Code RO 759 .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000D mc_w.l(entry10a.o) |
0x080000fc 0x080000fc 0x00000000 Code RO 761 .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000F mc_w.l(entry11a.o) |
0x080000fc 0x080000fc 0x00000004 Code RO 750 .ARM.Collect$$$$00002712 mc_w.l(entry2.o) |
0x08000100 0x08000100 0x00000128 Code RO 1 .text main.o |
0x08000228 0x08000228 0x0000001a Code RO 149 .text stm32f10x_it.o |
0x08000242 0x08000242 0x00000002 PAD |
0x08000244 0x08000244 0x000001e0 Code RO 190 .text system_stm32f10x.o |
0x08000424 0x08000424 0x000002ec Code RO 220 .text wifi.o |
0x08000710 0x08000710 0x00000178 Code RO 251 .text timer.o |
0x08000888 0x08000888 0x000005ec Code RO 271 .text oled.o |
0x08000e74 0x08000e74 0x000000d8 Code RO 293 .text motor.o |
0x08000f4c 0x08000f4c 0x000001b8 Code RO 305 .text encoder.o |
0x08001104 0x08001104 0x000000dc Code RO 317 .text key.o |
0x080011e0 0x080011e0 0x000000d4 Code RO 330 .text delay.o |
0x080012b4 0x080012b4 0x0000016c Code RO 361 .text usart.o |
0x08001420 0x08001420 0x00000024 Code RO 397 .text startup_stm32f10x_md.o |
0x08001444 0x08001444 0x0000035c Code RO 401 .text stm32f10x_gpio.o |
0x080017a0 0x080017a0 0x000003a4 Code RO 413 .text stm32f10x_rcc.o |
0x08001b44 0x08001b44 0x00000408 Code RO 427 .text stm32f10x_usart.o |
0x08001f4c 0x08001f4c 0x000000dc Code RO 439 .text misc.o |
0x08002028 0x08002028 0x00000e1a Code RO 463 .text stm32f10x_tim.o |
0x08002e42 0x08002e42 0x00000024 Code RO 478 .text mc_w.l(strstr.o) |
0x08002e66 0x08002e66 0x000000b0 Code RO 741 .text mf_w.l(fadd.o) |
0x08002f16 0x08002f16 0x00000064 Code RO 743 .text mf_w.l(fmul.o) |
0x08002f7a 0x08002f7a 0x00000012 Code RO 745 .text mf_w.l(fflti.o) |
0x08002f8c 0x08002f8c 0x00000032 Code RO 747 .text mf_w.l(ffixi.o) |
0x08002fbe 0x08002fbe 0x0000002c Code RO 763 .text mc_w.l(uidiv.o) |
0x08002fea 0x08002fea 0x00000000 Code RO 767 .text mc_w.l(iusefp.o) |
0x08002fea 0x08002fea 0x0000006e Code RO 768 .text mf_w.l(fepilogue.o) |
0x08003058 0x08003058 0x00000024 Code RO 780 .text mc_w.l(init.o) |
0x0800307c 0x0800307c 0x0000003a Code RO 798 .text mc_w.l(__dczerorl.o) |
0x080030b6 0x080030b6 0x00000002 PAD |
0x080030b8 0x080030b8 0x00000028 Code RO 527 i.__0sprintf$1 mc_w.l(printf1.o) |
0x080030e0 0x080030e0 0x0000000e Code RO 792 i.__scatterload_copy mc_w.l(handlers.o) |
0x080030ee 0x080030ee 0x00000002 Code RO 793 i.__scatterload_null mc_w.l(handlers.o) |
0x080030f0 0x080030f0 0x0000000e Code RO 794 i.__scatterload_zeroinit mc_w.l(handlers.o) |
0x080030fe 0x080030fe 0x00000002 PAD |
0x08003100 0x08003100 0x00000154 Code RO 532 i._printf_core mc_w.l(printf1.o) |
0x08003254 0x08003254 0x0000000a Code RO 534 i._sputc mc_w.l(printf1.o) |
0x0800325e 0x0800325e 0x00000818 Data RO 272 .constdata oled.o |
0x08003a76 0x08003a76 0x00000002 PAD |
0x08003a78 0x08003a78 0x00000020 Data RO 790 Region$$Table anon$$obj.o |
Execution Region RW_IRAM1 (Exec base: 0x20000000, Load base: 0x08003a98, Size: 0x000006d0, Max: 0x00005000, ABSOLUTE, COMPRESSED[0x000000cc]) |
Exec Addr Load Addr Size Type Attr Idx E Section Name Object |
0x20000000 COMPRESSED 0x00000008 Data RW 3 .data main.o |
0x20000008 COMPRESSED 0x00000014 Data RW 191 .data system_stm32f10x.o |
0x2000001c COMPRESSED 0x00000001 Data RW 222 .data wifi.o |
0x2000001d COMPRESSED 0x00000003 PAD |
0x20000020 COMPRESSED 0x00000014 Data RW 252 .data timer.o |
0x20000034 COMPRESSED 0x00000140 Data RW 273 .data oled.o |
0x20000174 COMPRESSED 0x00000001 Data RW 318 .data key.o |
0x20000175 COMPRESSED 0x00000001 PAD |
0x20000176 COMPRESSED 0x00000004 Data RW 331 .data delay.o |
0x2000017a COMPRESSED 0x00000002 PAD |
0x2000017c COMPRESSED 0x00000006 Data RW 363 .data usart.o |
0x20000182 COMPRESSED 0x00000014 Data RW 414 .data stm32f10x_rcc.o |
0x20000196 COMPRESSED 0x00000002 PAD |
0x20000198 - 0x0000000c Zero RW 2 .bss main.o |
0x200001a4 - 0x00000064 Zero RW 221 .bss wifi.o |
0x20000208 - 0x000000c8 Zero RW 362 .bss usart.o |
0x200002d0 - 0x00000400 Zero RW 394 STACK startup_stm32f10x_md.o |
============================================================================== |
Image component sizes |
Code (inc. data) RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug Object Name |
212 18 0 4 0 1023 delay.o |
440 16 0 0 0 1523 encoder.o |
220 12 0 1 0 808 key.o |
296 40 0 8 12 253197 main.o |
220 22 0 0 0 1777 misc.o |
216 12 0 0 0 890 motor.o |
1516 22 2072 320 0 6783 oled.o |
36 8 236 0 1024 776 startup_stm32f10x_md.o |
860 38 0 0 0 5713 stm32f10x_gpio.o |
26 0 0 0 0 1170 stm32f10x_it.o |
932 36 0 20 0 8884 stm32f10x_rcc.o |
3610 88 0 0 0 22820 stm32f10x_tim.o |
1032 22 0 0 0 8436 stm32f10x_usart.o |
0 0 0 0 0 32 sys.o |
480 38 0 20 0 1707 system_stm32f10x.o |
376 44 0 20 0 1617 timer.o |
364 18 0 6 200 3423 usart.o |
748 160 0 1 100 3257 wifi.o |
---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
11586 594 2342 408 1336 323836 Object Totals |
0 0 32 0 0 0 (incl. Generated) |
2 0 2 8 0 0 (incl. Padding) |
---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Code (inc. data) RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug Library Member Name |
58 0 0 0 0 0 __dczerorl.o |
0 0 0 0 0 0 entry.o |
0 0 0 0 0 0 entry10a.o |
0 0 0 0 0 0 entry11a.o |
8 4 0 0 0 0 entry2.o |
4 0 0 0 0 0 entry5.o |
0 0 0 0 0 0 entry7b.o |
0 0 0 0 0 0 entry8b.o |
8 4 0 0 0 0 entry9a.o |
30 0 0 0 0 0 handlers.o |
36 8 0 0 0 68 init.o |
0 0 0 0 0 0 iusefp.o |
390 10 0 0 0 252 printf1.o |
36 0 0 0 0 80 strstr.o |
44 0 0 0 0 80 uidiv.o |
176 0 0 0 0 140 fadd.o |
110 0 0 0 0 168 fepilogue.o |
50 0 0 0 0 68 ffixi.o |
18 0 0 0 0 68 fflti.o |
100 0 0 0 0 76 fmul.o |
---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1072 26 0 0 0 1000 Library Totals |
4 0 0 0 0 0 (incl. Padding) |
---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Code (inc. data) RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug Library Name |
614 26 0 0 0 480 mc_w.l |
454 0 0 0 0 520 mf_w.l |
---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1072 26 0 0 0 1000 Library Totals |
---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
============================================================================== |
Code (inc. data) RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug |
12658 620 2342 408 1336 323300 Grand Totals |
12658 620 2342 204 1336 323300 ELF Image Totals (compressed) |
12658 620 2342 204 0 0 ROM Totals |
============================================================================== |
Total RO Size (Code + RO Data) 15000 ( 14.65kB) |
Total RW Size (RW Data + ZI Data) 1744 ( 1.70kB) |
Total ROM Size (Code + RO Data + RW Data) 15204 ( 14.85kB) |
============================================================================== |